Kelly Green

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"He admires as a lover, not as a connoisseur. To satisfy me, those characters must be united." -Sense and Sensibility

Kelly Green

Green grass.
Blue skies.
Endless days that dragged ...
Summer between sixth and seventh year passed painfully slowly for me.

I was kept from Lucius except for pureblood gatherings. Even there I was roped in by my family and Rodolphus'. The best I got was staring at him across the room and all I received in return was an icy glare. I couldn't blame him. I was always forced to be at Rodolphus' side.

Then there was the betrothal announcement event. It was held at the LeStranges and all the Sacred Twenty Eight families were in attendance.

I was forced to walk down in a white gown and be presented as the "spotless" to be bride of one Rodolphus Lestrange. He beamed ; I cringed.

It wasn't Rodolphus. He was handsome. He was good to me . I enjoyed the feel of his arm around my waist. Could enjoy it. If it weren't for him.

And the pain on his face.

I was there being paraded about as a future Lestrange but all I could think about - all I could see was Malfoy.

I finally saw an opening as the horribly boring live music started and the guests gathered to listen . Rodolphus had gone to get more champagne and I sped off , catching Lucius by the elbow as I passed I whispered "Follow me to the gardens - but wait til I leave"

I made my way out into the green grass in my bright white gown, down away from the seemingly endless windows of the mansion. I leaned against a low brick decorative walk that surrounded that section of garden.

My heart raced. That slight touch of his elbow was all the contact Id had with him since term end.

For 39 days.

39 days where all I had were memories or glances across across a crowded ball room.

39 days too long.

I didn't care of the impropriety of choosing my engagement party to finally end the wait. I refused to go 40 days without him.

He came up behind me and remained on the opposite side of the wall .

"Bellatrix" he said coldly, formally.

I turned , my face bearing the warmth his icy stare lacked . "Lucius, Merlin , I've missed you." I reached for him. Placed my hands on his arms and he pulled back.

"It sure looks like it."

He may as well have punched me in the stomach, the air retracted as if he had.

"What do you want me to do Lucius? Im stuck. You said yourself marry him til you get out of school and then we can be together. Run if we have to. Im being polite. Im not hanging on him . Nothing. I don't deserve this."

He scoffed his indignation at me.

I wanted to pout, wanted to stomp my feet and demand he apologise. But instead I lifted myself up on the low wall between us and jumped down, snagging my expensive gown as I carelessly did so, grabbing him before he'd had a chance to realise what I was doing in my sudden movements . I pressed myself against him.

"Malfoy, you stubborn fool. You're just lucky I happen to find jealousy irresistibly attractive."

I stood on my toes and kissed him.

He resisted for the second he could withstand before grabbing my hair roughly at the back of my head and pulling me in deeper to the kiss. My body moulded to his as though two halves of a whole forming together after long wait.

We kissed for long moments until I reluctantly pulled away suddenly aware of how in the open we were . I slipped my shoes from my feet, gathered the excess length of my dress in one hand while grabbing his hand in the other.

"Come with me" I laughed as I took off light footed on the grass laughing. I felt a slight tug as Id reached the length our combined arms would allow and he hadn't yet moved . He quickly remedied that by running with me my name said in laughing tones on his breath.

"What are you..."

"Just come" I pleaded interrupting his thought my laughter like chimes in the air. For that moment with him - like any stolen moment I've had with him- all was happiness and it was us alone in the world.

I led us to a copse of trees where we sought valiantly to make up for lost time. One lesson I learned that day: whether it be 1 day or 39, time lost can never be regained - not truly.

But we would never stop trying .

"My eyes are stuck open in love,
They want more of him, they need less of this.
They're everything, they're unbelievable.

My eyes are lonely and cold.
They're young and they're old.
They're looking for a way out,
And a moment to let you in.
They want nothing to do with me
And only want to do with him.
They're hungry,
I'm warning
And I'm scared." - Christina Perri

The Madness of Bellatrix LestrangeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang