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"You look tense " I felt him just before I heard him. Heard him before I saw him.

Rodolphus had quietly come behind me where I stood , looking out a window at nothing and had wrapped his arms around my waist briskly pulling me into him.

I tensed more just before melting into the now familiar warmth of his body behind me as he leant down and whispered the words in my ear.

I leaned my head back against his shoulder looking up at him. His brown eyes soft as they searched my face , he looked worried .

"Im fine Baby" I lied.

The corners of his mouth twitched into a slight smile at the sound of my pet name for him. Strong hands slid from where they rested on my belly to my hips, spinning me to face him where barely smiling lips closed in to take mine.

His hands slid down the sides of my thighs and gripped strongly behind pulling me up so I had to wrap my legs around his waist.

I laughed as my feet left the ground and he smiled broadly.

"Ah there's my Silver Belle"

He always said my laughter filled a room like the sound of silver bells ringing.

He was a master of manipulating my name into nicknames. There were the usual ones he'd always used and then Belle, which he adopted in France, of course meaning beautiful.

"Belle ma belle" he liked to purr before launching into a string of French that would leave me in a puddle on the floor. He could melt me. Something Id never have thought until we spent three weeks alone on our honeymoon in the South of France.

Trix my minx. Because well....I had earned that one in France

He used to always call me Trixy all our years growing up despite my insistence that no one was allowed to call me that. The closest Id tolerated was Trix , from my cousin Sirius and that was only because he tolerated my calling him Siri.

But ever since our honeymoon Id mainly been Belle, it had even stuck through our nearly two weeks that we'd spent at home.

Our home .

I was "Lady of the Manor" now.

Our Manor.

So strange for this 18 year old me.

"Belle, because you're beautiful and you're a woman now , my wife and you deserve a beautiful nickname whispered in your ears"

Had been his reply when I asked why he'd dropped "Trixy". He still used it of course , old habits die hard. But the name he purred most often at me was Belle.

I kissed him full on the lips as my arms and legs wrapped round him, holding on.

"J'ai besoin de toi" he whispered as he carried me upstairs .

Funnily enough that was the first phrase I really mastered in French.

He said he needs me. He always needed me.

He fell backwards onto the bed with me. I stared down at him as his fingers traced lightly over my skin. Down my arms , across
my chest, dipping between the cleavage of my breasts with a smirk.

He slid one hand up my neck cupping the side of my face. I leaned into it as his thumb stroked my sharp cheekbone.

His eyes flitted all over the features of my face. He was searching me. He did that a lot. He could read me alarmingly well. Id always prided myself on being able to hide my emotions, thoughts, intent. It had always served me well , played into my Slytherin cunning nature .

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