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"You've come so close to tasting, now my innocence is breaking like ocean in a perfect storm it makes me want you even more . - Christina Perri


The colour of the stone wall behind his head.

Id slammed it there after I heard him behind me.

l had for awhile.

Stealth wasn't his strong suit , but Id waited until he had foolishly closed the gap enough that I could turn and grab him while he was still surprised. He was nearly 3 years younger; 2 class years behind me, but I being a 5'2" girl he easily towered over me.

Could over power me.
Minus magic of course .

"Why , Malfoy are you following me?" I hissed in his face , my hand on his throat holding him against the stone.

I wasn't even supposed to be down this deserted corridor.

There was no reason for him to be.

His eyes widened as I grabbed his throat. He may not have taken me by surprise, but I sure as hell had taken him by it.

I felt him swallow hard against my hand before answering.

He should've swallowed some more because the answer he gave was pathetic. He said he was coming the same way as I.

Down a never used corridor.

I pushed harder into him angry that he'd lie to me and asked just where he was headed, did he even know where this corridor kled?

He tried to tell me he was a bit lost looking for the Great Hall of all things.

We were three floors above it.

"Sticking with that story are we?" I said pressing closer.

He really did stick with that ridiculous story, said I seemed to know where I was going so he followed .

I did know where I was going.
It wasn't the Great Hall .
Not even close.

"Is that it , Malfoy?" I purred as I pushed a piece of hair away from those icy eyes.

He moved his head back from me, but I could tell he didn't mean it. Didn't want to.

"Well then" I replied , brows raised. I removed my hand from his throat and pushed his face toward the direction he just came. I leaned against him, my cheek against his and whispered "I suggest you head back that way and go down three flights of stairs to where the Great Hall actually /IS/ located. "

As if he didn't know how to get to the place he'd eaten every meal for three years now.

I smirked a bit as I noticed his breathing had changed and he forced out in a whisper that he'd do just that.

But he didn't move. Stood still.

Except his head.

His head, which he turned back to me placing our faces mere centimetres apart.

I breathed in a sharp intake of air as his eyes met mine.

Gray. Icy. Captivating .

Id meant to let out a sharp witted retort but managed only "...Well..."

I noticed the left corner of his mouth twitch into a smirk as he stared back hard into my eyes as he told me he had to be going now.

He arched a brow as if to ask me to move.

I didn't.

It's not like he couldn't get by.

"So go" I whispered, my voice thick.

After a long moment he whispered out "I don't think I can "

I stared into his icy gaze for a second that seemed to span an eternity . Then as suddenly as Id grabbed his throat a second ago I leaned in fast to close the small, very small gap separating us and kissed him. Kissed him hard.

After a moment his body relaxed and his lips returned my kiss.

I closed my eyes.

For just a

Very. Brief. Moment.

Then I pulled away just as quickly as Id pressed in, smirked and headed back down the corridor - leaving him to wonder if it meant anything at all.

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