Black as Night

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"I see that you are lonely
If you could I know, you'd leave with me
It's more than curiosity
And I've never longed for winter
Till your presence made me shiver
Untethered you'd be better if you'd only come with me. " - Christina Perri

Black as Ink

The colour of the depth of the forest we were wading into.

The Forbidden Forest.

Forbidden of course, unless you were in detention- and then Albus saw fit to sacrifice you to its depths.
After, landing in detention together last weekend - he for punching Crabbe repeatedly after my betrothal was brought up and me for practically doing the same to my betrothed, we decided we quite liked the extra time detention afforded us and managed to get in it together this weekend.

As a prefect I was able to sneak us about somewhat after hours but how much more convenient was sanctioned alone time? No getting caught by Mcgonongal in her classroom, no interruptions.

So for our outbursts,  we were being "punished" by being sent alone into a dark forest after curfew.

He held my hand and a bag of jars we were to fill with wood lice for  the Potions Master.

We walked for at least ten minutes  into the darkness when I leaned against a tree, he leaned into me.

"I won't do it I said I won't and I will not " I whispered, looking out over his shoulder into the dark nothingness that surrounded us.

"Father can't possibly make me. Why would he do this. It's not a crime for a Pure Blood to wait two years to get married after schooling. I can wait for you."

His finger came up to my face and deftly caught the escaping tear . I didn't cry, not usually, but if I did it was with him. He was the only person Id allow to see me weak. Not even my sisters had ever seen pain leak from the obsidian pools of my black eyes.

He leaned his face in as he tucked a strand of my straight black hair behind my ear. He whispered in my ear " No matter what I'm yours . There's no point fighting your family , unless you are willing to forsake everything you have ."

I opened my mouth to protest but he shook his head .

"Go through with marrying the one they've arranged you with - Rodolphus. Just until I finish schooling. It will be hard but only for a short time. We have forever. " he smiled and kissed me softly.

He'd intended to soothe me but instead my notoriously short temper flared. I accioed jar after glass jar and sent them hurtling against nearby trees, until he grabbed my wrist in his hand and pinned it to the tree behind me.

"Bellatrix" He'd said my name firmly with an authority over me that belonged to no one else.

No one.

He leaned in and kissed me full on the lips. My tears leaking into the corners of our mouths.

He could always calm my racing mind.

Only him.

We stayed out in the cold forest until just before dawn, far past our detention but no one was awake to care.

From then on we found new and creative ways to land ourselves in detention together. Somehow no one ever figured out our scheme.  We are true Slytherins.

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