Mud Brown

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The colour of his eyes.

My betrothed.

I was used to clear eyes.
Lucius Malfoy's crystal grey blue irises.

My pure obsidian black eyes.

Rodolphus' eyes seemed muddy in comparison.

Id never spent much time with him.

Fine. Im lying. We had spent quite a bit of time together before that pale haired Malfoy two class years behind me stubbornly barged his way into my life.

But since then- two years now, Id hardly noticed Rodolphus , so wrapped up was I in Malfoy.

But here we sat. Our parents having come to an agreement for a pure blood marriage.

It was a Hogsmeade weekend and Lucius had somehow managed to get detention for the whole of the weekend. I like to think he was acting out to the news just as I had. I can't be sure but that's what I tell myself.

And so, to appease my parents I agreed to "get to know" the man Im told to marry.

By the time we get to Hogsmeade he's grabbed at me four times.

"Hands off, Rod. Im to remain pure as my blood until we wed"  I say dryly but with a hint of a threat.

He jokes that there isn't a time turner big enough to correct my past to allow for that contingency and receives  a black eye.

It's true of course- but impolite to speak of a lady's dalliances.

And mine are many.

We sit at Three Broomsticks drinking butter beer. Me staring off into the distance thinking about the boy who should be sat across from me.

He staring at me, not my face either,  likely thinking about things that would earn a second black eye.

Finally he breaks the trance - like silence  that sat between us

"Didn't get your way on something for once  Eh, Trixy"

"Hmm " I say absentmindedly thinking about the way Lucius' lips twitch right before he kisses me.

When my brain finally processes what he's saying and that he means the betrothal and my request to be matched with Lucius ignored without consideration any good naturedness I had left in me for the day vanishes.

"And that makes you feel good? That im only marrying you because I'm forced?"

"I love your passion, you're fire" he said taking a sip of butter beer. "I think it will make for an interesting life."

I show him just how interesting by hurling my butter beer mug at his face before getting up and slamming his head into the table.

Turns out, we can be punished for things done even off school property and I land myself a spot in detention for the rest of the weekend .

Right next to Lucius.

Exactly where I should be.

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