Pack Hierarchy

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How the pack hierarchies are for Little Wolf goes as follows-

Alpha-Luna- Head of the Packs, could be either male or female and their mates. Can be given up to the next in line before death only if the wolf is over eighteen that will be the new Alpha. While there is a term for female mate (Luna) there is no official one for a male- some backs use Luno. If a female is alpha, she remains an alpha unless her mate has a stronger pack or the merge packs (in that case both would be addressed as Alpha.)

Beta-  Second in command normally the oldest brother or cousin of the alpha or the mate of the sister or female cousin. Unless the alpha is female and it's the other way around. Runs the pack when the alpha is gone or giving punishment in the cells.  

Gamma- Third in command, normally another brother or cousin- or vice versa much like the beta.  They tend to work with the Alpha in the cells. 

Delta- Fourth in command, normally a cousin. there to help protect the mate of the alpha. They are normally around the same age as the mate

Fighters- Pack members who have proven themselves in battle. Helps the alpha with training and work in the cells or are secret guards for the mate. 

Subordinates- Regular wolves

Omegas- Much like real omegas in wolf packs, they are there to break up fights before they happen. 

Slaves- Bottom of the bottom- they are basically Cinderella, cooking and cleaning for everyone in the pack- if they're lucky, if not? Then they are abused.  

I just thought that this will be helpful for later chapters 

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