Chapter 44

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Nolan's POV

"Ebony, what are you doing?" I asked my mate who was currently standing on the counter. I really need to stop leaving her alone for more than ten minutes because she always ends up on the counter doing something.

Getting off the counter with what she was looking for, she said: "Looking for gummy worms again- have you guys found Kyle yet?"


"Okay." She pouted.

"Hey, it's going to be fine, let's just enjoy today." I tried to calm her down. Today was the day that we were having the barbeque, so far- Teddy hasn't arrived at our house to take over and I was getting nervous, I mean it it six am and we needed to be at the pack ground at ten to get ready.

"I am calm, I am relaxed." She breathed in and out.

"There you go."

"Yello! The awesome one has arrived!" Think of the devil and she shall appear- dragging, her mate and her brother and his mate. I don't know how Teddy is still alive.

"It is barely six am, how is she so peppy?" Ebony mumbled over to me.

"I think its because she had coffee."

"Coffee is scary."

"I agree, Ebony- I agree." Jay yawned. "So why have you summoned us?"

"Because I need your help."

"With what?" Missy asked. "I thought you said that you had 'this whole thing' covered."

"Yes, and then I realized how hard it is to plan a barbeque for about two hundred and fifty people, okay? Cut me some slack."

"No, because now we have to bail you out and lose the precious thing that I like called sleep!" Jay yelled at his older sister, once again I placed Ebony behind me- incase a fight broke out.

"Urgh, fine no food for you." She shrugged before going on with her orders.

"What? No..... Teddy I'm sorry."

"Are they always like this?" Missy asked watching her mate beg his sister for food.

At the same time, Ebony and I told her. "Yes."

"So is it patience again?"


"Ebony can you please help me?" Teddy begged and I knew what her answer was going to be: yes.

"Fine but you'll have to be ni-nice to everyone." My little wolf counterbalanced. "And not snap at them for helping."

This is new. I like.

I know it's new,Nox- it has to do with the alphaness coming out.

I know but I can still like it.

I know you can.

I really really like this.

"Nolan either you help or get out of the kitchen!" I heard Teddy yell before adding. "Please."

What did Ebony do? I don't know what she did but she did "Okay, I'll help."

"Great! Now everything can get done much faster." Teddy said before barking orders at everyone.

Seriously? What did mate do?

She used the alpha voice.

I know this now!

Then why did you ask me? Huh? I tell me why.

Because I was just making sure that my stupid human knew why.

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