Chapter 19 *REWRITTEN*

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Ebony's POV

It has been a few weeks since Nolan took me out to the fair, Halloween came and went so Nolan had started preparing for Thanksgiving? I think it was Thanksgiving. I was sitting down on my stool helping him start the prepwork for tomorrow; it was just going to be us two, Nolan's mom and Granny.

"When..when your mom going...going to here?" This was the first time that I was meeting her since I came back and what if I wasn't good enough for Nolan?

"She'll be here in a little bit baby, don't worry, she's going to love you."


"Of course."

"Whe...when am I going...going to be training?"

"Next week."

"Are you....are you going to training me?"

"Of course, along with Teddy and possibly Jay."

It's going to be fine, mate won't hurt us. Lux tried calling me.

I know but-

Mate will make sure that they won't hurt us.

When do you think he'll mark us? Granny explained to me that when Nolan marks me, he has two bite my neck and then he'll be allowed to mindlink us.

When we want him to.

Is Nox made that we haven't yet?


"Ebony, are you okay?" Nolan pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah...yeah...I was...was talking to Lux."

"And how is she?"

"Better...better than Eva."

"Thanks really good." He laughed before kissing the side of my head.

Nolan's POV

"What...what are cooking?"

"Stuffing." I told her, cutting up the bread. "And once that's done we'll started on the deviled eggs"


"The holiday is tomorrow."


"You really don't remember much do you?"

"I...I remember...remember them making...making me stay outside when...when it snowed." That made me shiver, I hate when it snows, how was she able to live like that?"

"Are you cold?" I asked her, even though her whole diet is basically iron at this point and she's been gaining weight, she's still always freezing.

"Not...not really."

"Do you want to put about a dozen eggs on to boil?"

"Okie dokie."

Watching my little wolf as she started placing the eggs in the pot, I've noticed that she only stutters on a couple of words- sometimes none but when she's nervous or frightened, she sutters for a whole sentence. I hope that we are taking a step in the right direction with her.

" this right No...Nolan?" She asked.


"Okay." She sat down on her stool again, picking up the newest book she was ready- Percy Jackson and the Battle of the Labyrinth. "I...I really like these books."

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