Chapter 41

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*I want to thank coffeecolors_ for the awesome cover! Thank you!*


Nolan's POV

It's been two weeks since the meeting I had with the warriors. The next day, I had a pack meeting to explain what was going on- this time Ebony was right by my side, tomorrow the pack is going to have a final meeting on what's going on and the next day we're going to attack.

I wasn't training Ebony, Teddy or Missy- Kyle was while I was in the general training with the rest of the wolves. Ebony told me that she wanted to stay at the packhouse, because she was scared by rather to keep everyone calm- like a Luna would (her words, not mine).

While I was training during the day, Ebony kept herself busy before her training by helping Dina in the pack hospital, learning how to take care of simple injuries and she almost knows everyone's name- seriously I'm surprised on how fast she's getting everyone's name and how open she is being withe rest of the pack.

That's because she's starting to try to be more like a Luna.

I told her she did-

She didn't have to, but she wants to.

I know Nox.

Well, I'm proud of mate- breaking out of her shell and talking to people.

I'm proud of her too! I never said that I wasn't.

I know.

"Hi, N-nolan!." Ebony came into the kitchen after taking a shower. She had returned from her training session with Kyle before I got home and now she is getting ready to go meet up with Dina again while I go talk to the warriors for our final game plan. "Hey, little wolf- how was training?" I asked.

"G-good, I had a lot o-of fun." I guess that having her talk to other members of the pack is helping with her stuttering. Except with my name, she's always stuttering on my name.


"H-how was y-your training?"


"Do you thi-think they're ready?" She asked me. I am seriously loving this confidence that Ebony is displaying.

"If they weren't I wouldn't be going into battle on Saturday."

"Hey N-nolan?"


"Do-do you know what n-next S-saturday is?"

Nolan, what is Saturday? Nolan, I have no idea what Saturday is.

Calm down, I know what Saturday is.

Care to share with class?


Is this payback for something I did?


"If I'm correct, next Saturday is the day that you woke up after I brought you home?" I asked, smiling at the memory of me finding her and her waking up- not the part of her asking to kill me but her waking up was nice.

"Yep." She leaned over and kissed me on my cheek. "Thank you f-for not giving up on me."

"You're welcome- but you know what?"


"I would never give up on you in a million years." I kissed her on her cheek, before giving her a hug. "So I'll see you when you get back from the pack hospital or when I'll get back from talking to the warriors."

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