Chapter 45

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Six months later: Nolan's POV

"Nolan calm down, you are creating a draft." Keith chuckled as I watched more and more people start to fill the rows- mostly members from our pack but also some other Alphas and their packs. I can't believe that I'm standing in the middle of the forest, waiting for Ebony once again- this time knowing that she was on her way.

"I can't help it, I mean what if she's late or something?"

"Nol, everything is going to be fine- I mean she has Teddy and Missy with her, do you honestly think that she'll be late."

"No, I guess not."

"It's just your nerves- here." My grandmother came over and gave me a swig of whiskey. That's one of the things I love most about my grandmother: she keeps booze on her, even today. "Your grandfather would have loved to see this, his only grandchild running a successful pack with his mate and he's now getting married to her. He would have loved to see the man that you've become."

"Seriously, don't make me cry."

"Dude, you're going to cry." Jay came up. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone but that doesn't mean that we won't have it on video to embarrass you later."

"Shut up Jay." Grandma and I both said.


"So, are you ready, I mean with the vows and-"

"Nolan, I got this- do you need another swing?" Grandma asked. I had asked her to officiate the wedding mainly because I didn't know who else to ask since all the higher ups were in the wedding.

"No, I'm fine."

"Are you sure? I feel like you are going nuts."

"No, I'm fine."

"Seriously? Go take one last shot with your cousins and you'll be ready- trust me."

Doing what she said, I did feel a bit calmer- which made no sense because wolves cannot get drunk, It is seriously impossible. While I was still waiting, I went to go great a couple of the alphas- to thank them for coming and whatnot.

"Nolan, Teddy just told me that the eagle is flying." Grandma came over to where I was talking. Before she dragged me over to the alter.

Dude, this is really happening.

I know it is.

I wonder if mate is freaking out as much as we are.


I know she is.

I could see Dina come down first, wearing a light sea foam green color dress that went to her ankles or something. Guy was waiting for her about halfway down the aisle and let her the rest of the way. Next it was Missy in a medium shade like Dina's and Jay brought her the rest of the way. Soon, it was Teddy wearing the darkest shade of seafoam or whatever they called it- as Keith brought her to the aisle, I started feeling anxious, I knew that my little mate was coming.

I soon heard the music that Ebony and Teddy picked out for the bride's entrance wasn't the 'Here Comes the Bride' but a different yet still traditionalish song. I could feel my palms sweating more than normal while everyone stood up, it's like holy crap, I am really going to get married to my little wolf. This is going to be amazing. I mean while we were already 'married' in our world, this wedding was the icing on top of the cake.

I'm not going to lie, I did tear up as I saw Ebony walk down the makeshift aisle. Her dress was probably the most beautiful dress I've ever seen. However all I know is that it was white with what seemed to be wrinkles, but they weren't almost like folds The upper half was a 'sweetheart' neckline and ballgown shape- as Teddy called it, with some sort of jewel design on the bust- again what Teddy called it. Her hair was in a bun with the veil going past the dresses 'train'. I mean Ebony could wear a burlap sack and still look gorgeous to me.

"Hi." She smiled as she stood next to me.

"Hi, you look beautiful." I told her before my grandmother started the ceremony.

"Please be seated, now we are gathered here today on the fifteenth of November to witness the marriage of Ebony Aileen Walters to Nolan Connor Greyson, yada yada yada, now times for the vows, which they both decided to write like a couple weirdos." Maybe having my grandmother do the wedding wasn't the best idea but at least she's keeping it realish? "Nolan- you first."

"Ebony, I honestly can not believe that we actually made it this far as fast as we did, I was prepared to wait years for you to even trust me, but I guess the mate bond tends to help with that." I heard a few chuckles from someone. "But what can I say? You're the one person who makes my life complete, you are my sunshine-"

"Since he started quoting songs, Ebony it's your turn."

"Nolan, you've been my protector since day one, and to this day you still are. I want to thank you for always being there for me and-"

"Okay, who has the rings?" Grandma asked.

I can't believe she keeps cutting us off. I saw Ebony giggle as she told me that, I mean if she was happy that's all that matters.

I know, I think she wants to party or something.


"Here you go." Keith handed her the rings.

"Alright, Nolan, please repeat after me." Grandma handed me Ebony's ring. "I take you Ebony Alieen Walters as my wife and with this ring I thee wed."

"I take you Ebony Alieen Walters as my wife and wit this ring I thee wed." I slipped the ring on her finger.

"Now Ebony, I take you Nolan Connor Greyson as my husband and with this ring I thee wed."

"I take you Nolan, Connor Greyson as my husband and with this ring, I thee wed." Ebony slipped the ring on me as well.

"Now I pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss your bride." And I did, I lifted up the veil before I pulled Ebony in close to me making the kiss a little more pg-13. "While they are making out, I am proud to present Mr. and Mrs. Greyson! Or Alpha and Alpha Greyson."

I could hear the cheers, but right now, I was enjoying the moment with my little wolf.

Ebony's POV

"I can't believe that we are married!" I laughed as Nolan and I snuck away from the reception for a quick breather.

"I know, it feels awesome."

"That it does." He kissed the top of my head, before bring my left hand up to kiss the rings. "I can't believe we made it this far."

"Yah, but we still have a lot more to do."

"That we do." And he kissed me again before we walked back into the reception- I mean, I never thought that a little over a year ago I had a mate, let alone be marrying him. I guess it all works out in the end.   

*And that's the end of the main story of Little Wolf- Don't worry there is going to be an epilogue  :) I want to thank you all for supporting Little Wolf.  The song is by 'The Wedding' called "Revelation", the picture is of Ebony's dress.*  

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