Chapter 20

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Nolan's POV

"Nolan. Nolan." I felt Ebony poke my cheek.


"I-its time to get up!" She giggled. I think me marking her made Ebony a bit more outgoing; finally after a week her mark showed up clearly, to was of a wolf howling at the moon. "T-teddy said so."

"We can sleep for a little longer."

"N-no Teddy says now!"

"You having fun mindlinking her?"

"Y-yes, now it's time to get up." Ebony got off of the bed. "I-i have t-to start training."

"I know."

"C-come on!" She tried pulling me off the bed before I pulled her back into it. "No-nolan!"

"I'm just relaxing with my mate, in my bed before training."

"Nolan!" I heard Teddy yell as she ripped the blankets off of me. "It is time to wake up."


Ten minutes later we were in the training area and Ebony was bouncing off the walls- thanks to Teddy. Apparently Teddy mindlinked Ebony this morning telling her to get dressed and open the door for her before they both had coffee- the first and last time Ebony will ever have coffee.

"Ebony calm down."

"I t-thought i-it was good to be energetic?"

"It is, but you really need to calm down." I chuckled. "Teddy where is your brother?"

"Right here!" Jay was also walking in.

"Okay, little wolf, you are going to watch what I do to Jay and Teddy is going to help you recreate it okay?"


"I'm going to show just some of the basics today." I paused. "Okay, Jay put your hands up."

"Ar-are yo-you going to hurt him?"



Jay did what I asked before I turned back to Ebony. "This is how you punch someone, you make a fist and you have to keep the thumb outside." I told her before demonstrating on Jay.

"That wasn't hard enough." Jay remarked.

"Do you want me to hit you harder?"


"Alright, just brace yourself." The next hit, I had Jay falling flat on his ass.Trying hard not to laugh, I looked at Jay before telling him- "I told you to brace yourself."

"I didn't know you were going to go full alpha on me." He wheezed, as I helped him up.

"Ready Ebony?"


"Why?" I asked her, since this morning she was all up for it.

"I-i don't want to hurt a-anyone."

"You won't." I paused. "Come on, you can practice on me."


Helping her form her hand into a fist before I placed my own up. "Ready? Just try to hit right here." When she did hit me, I had to prevent myself from shaking the shock off of it- Ebony's punch is pretty powerful. "Good job."

"T-Thank you." She smiled.

We only trained for about another hour because I didn't want to push Ebony too much, I want to slowly introduce this to her, starting with the basics before we even began to think about getting Lux out to train. Today we mostly worked on punching and blocking- I let Teddy and Jay go home because Ebony was still freaking out about hurting them. I didn't mind, I got to spend more time with my mate.

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