Chapter 10 *REWRITTEN*

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 Nolan's POV

If I thought Ebony was short compared to me as I was human, that would not have compared my wolf to hers. I looked down at her, she had to be two feet at the shoulders- most females were about three feet, I'm about five foot at the shoulder. Her dark gray hair looked extremely soft- Ebony was beautiful, in both wolf and human form.

As I slowly walked over to her, she shrunk back into the corner. Nox started whining over his mate being afraid of him. I quickly left the room, shifting back. "Ebony sweetheart, you need to change back." Her wolf shook her head. Mate doesn't know how, you idiot! "Okay, I want you to think about what you look like as a human."

It took another ten minutes for her to completely shift back; as I wrapped her up in the hospital blanket, I mindlinked everyone to leave the room. Kissing her forehead and holding her tight, I was surprised when she hugged me back before whispering.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." She rubbed her head on my chest.

"You're welcome little wolf."

"M-my wolf...m-my w-wolf is re-really m-mean."

I could hold in my laughter. "Baby, all wolves are sarcastic but they aren't mean."


"Yeah, they're just extremely sassy." I helped her up and led her to the bathroom. They had a pair of scrubs waiting for her in there, handing them to her, I told her. "Go get changed, we can talk after this."

I am not sassy

Yes you are


My point taken.

"Are all clothes this big?" Ebony asked as she walked out. Once again the clothes were extremely large on Ebony- it was actually really hard to find her clothes that fit her when we were out shopping.

"Nope." I laughed, helping her back on the bed again.

"So do you know how long I have to stay here?"

"About a week? Ebony you were poisoned sweetheart- Dina is going to keep you here to make sure you don't end up going back into the state you were just in."

"O-oh, okay."

"Come here." I held my arms open as I sat on her bed; Ebony came over and relaxed in my arms.

"You smell really good."

"Thank you."

"Y-you...y-you d-don't t-think that's weird?"

"Not at all." I sniffed her as well. Ebony's scent changed slightly simply because her wolf came out. "I'm so sorry little wolf."


"Because I forced you to shift."

"I-it's o-okay." She hiccuped.

"Nolan! Nolan- Dude in the cells wants to talk to you." Jay breathed heavily as he rushed into the room.

"Seriously Jay? He can wait." I rolled my eyes while Ebony slid behind me.I figured now would be the best time to introduce the two of them. "Ebony, this is my cousin, Jay." She waved at him before I continued. "He is going to be your guard while I'm out on alpha duties."


"Wait! Nolan I get to finally start my duties?" He shouted. "Yes!"

"Go outside."

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