Chapter 42

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Nolan's POV

Once I left Ebony in the pack house, I had everyone shift before we made our way to the parklands. I wanted everyone to get to the pack house at five so we would leave in our shifted forms by at least five thirty. The attack was to be a surprise- I needed the pack to get there before sunrise.

After talking to Missy more about what happened with her while she was living, it turns out that the pack- or rather Perry was abusing most of the pack members as well as Missy. The attack wasn't only for justice but also to liberate the Midnight Summer pack members.

I've heard of male wolfs becoming twisted because of their mates leaving them, like me who has had anger issues when Ebony was away- but not the extent that Perry did: I mean he forces everyone to stay in the pack house, females were not to leave their rooms at all or even interact with other males. Perry's pack was a very male centric one- from what Missy says, females who even say something in the 'wrong' tone, they would get beat- not by their mates but rather the warriors.

This information was enough to challenge Perry for his pack, which was the other part of this plan- liberation. When I win the challenge, the subordinates will slowly be integrated into my pack while the warriors are going to either submit to our rules or become rogue. While I still have no idea what I was going to do with the higher ranks, I know it's not going to be pretty.

When we arrived at the Midnight Summer's pack, it seemed quiet- too quiet. Walking around the pack's land, something was wrong, very, very wrong.


Over by the pack cells, Keith.


Something is wrong, extremely wrong.

I got that much.

What do you want to do? Alpha?

You and I go into to cells first to see if they're hiding in there.

After you Mr. Alpha. Keith jokingly said as I lead him into the cells.

I can't believe it's been a year since we found mate in here.

I know, it seems just like yesterday. I told him.

I can't believe that a year ago we were so worried about Ebony being dead and now she's over at the pack house protecting our pack. The cell still had a creepy vibe to it, even when it was empty. I however could still slightly smell Ebony here. I know we were in the middle of a battle but I couldn't help but walk over to the cell that she was tortured.

Looking clearly for the first time at the still blood soaked ground, I wonder how Ebony was able to survive for that long in here? Shifting back to my human form for a moment, I placed my hand over Ebony's print that was still in here. Looking around it one last time, I saw something sticking out over in the corner by the bed. Picking up the small paper, I smiled to myself- it was a poorly drawn picture of us from when she was younger. I would have to come back and get this later.

Nolan, have you found anyone? Keith pulled me out of my thoughts.


So what do you want to do then?

Let's go see if there is anyone on the inside of the house? I paused, thinking about they might be creating their own attack or something. Or they were still sleeping or something. "Keep the guards outside, they might be planning their own attack.


I took Keith and Guy with me into the pack house. It was nearly seven by now- why would the Midnight Summers still be sleeping? I am extremely confused. Now before we entered the house, we of course shifted back into our human forms, it might be a bit awkward since we're in the nude but it's better than having three large wolves just randomly entering the house. Then again, it might not be be a bad idea to keep us in wolf from incase we were met with wolves on the inside.

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