Chapter 24

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Nolan's POV

"Welcome everyone to the first pack meeting of the new year, as many of you guys know, I brought your luna with me but she ended up staying with the smaller ones." I chuckled more to myself than to the hundred and fifty so wolves. "Anyways, as most of you know, we've been trying to find who slaughtered the Crescent Bloods." I paused. "They were the ones that took your luna. Now Keith and I have come up with a plan that is going to be implemented in three stages. Stage one is just the warriors and I going in to talk to them- if that goes well, we are not going to do the other two stages. Now we are going to be doing this next month, so while I am gone, Keith is going to in charge, more information will be announced at next month's meeting."

It was another hour of me just going over stuff for this year. I was currently looking for Ebony in the mass of people going to pick up their pups. I think that every single one of the pups were somewhere around Ebony, if not on top of her.

Mate likes pups.

I can see that.

Can we watch mate for a little longer?

Did you really think I would leave?


I stood there for about twenty minutes, watching as the pups went to their parents- saying hello to me before receiving their pups. Every time one left, I could see Ebony pout. This was great- Lunas are known to be the pack's mother. I was ecstatic that the pack's pups went up to my little mate and the female members would talk to her.

Getting up off the ground, Ebony ran over to me, giving me a hug. "Hi No-nolan!"

"Did you have fun little wolf?" I whispered into her ear.

"Yeah." She sighed.

"What's the matter?"

"I w-was ha-having a lot of fun but you had to end the m-meeting." She pouted.

"Well, I'm sorry."

"Y-you should be."

"Come on, let's go home." I led her out of the packhouse. "So now that the meeting is over what do you want to do?"

"L-let's go home and watch The Tudors."


"Wh-why?" She pouted as we got in our car.

"I mean you can watch it if you want, I just don't like the show." I shrugged.

"Bu-but the co-costumes are so p-pretty."

"That's why you like the show?" I laughed, my mate is one of a kind. "If you like the costumes, I have another show you would like that isn't based on real life."

"W-wait, The Tudors a-are based o-on re-real life?" Ebony started to hyperventalite. "He-he really k-killed t-them?"

"Sorry little wolf."

"Wh-why w-would he do-do that?"

"Because he was a power hungry tyrant."

"If-if we were-weren't ma-mates wou-would you ha-have me killed?"

' I could see the fear in her eyes, why would she think that I would have her killed? "No, Ebony- why would you think that?"

"B-because y-you're N-nolan Gr-greyson." She paused. "T-they h-have sto-stories a-about you."

"Hey, hey, hey. Ebony you're my mate okay? I will never hurt you- Henry the VIII was truly evil, he didn't want anyone to challenge him, not even his wives."

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