Chapter 29

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Nolan's POV

"N-nolan, ho-how a-am I s-supposed to do that?" Ebony asked me, looking up at the ceiling.

"By using your arms." I tried not to laugh, I really did. "You need to work on your upper arm strength."

"But I can't cli-climb a ro-rope!"

"Yes you can, just try."

"You do it fir-first." She tried to bargain. Today I was working on her upper body strength and I thought that it would be best to have her climb a rope.

"Nope, now come on."

"T-this is torture!"

"Every high schooler says that."

"What if I fa-fall?"

"I'll catch you."


"Still not getting out of this." I paused. "If you don't want to climb it, then you can just run five miles"

"F-five mi-miles?"


That got Ebony to at least try to climb the rope; I had a feeling the would get about halfway up before she would get tired and quit but she proved me wrong by getting about three fourths of the way up.

"No-nolan!" Ebony yelled, holding on to the rope for dear life and it was a funny scene but Nox was freaking out.

Nolan get her down!

I will don't worry.

This was a bad idea, she's going to fall!

"Yes little wolf?"

"H-how do I g-get down?"

"Same way you get up?"

"T-this isn't f-funny N-nolan!"

"Alright, just let go."


"Trust me little one, let go." Doing what I asked, she simply let go and I caught her. "See, I told you that I would catch you."

"I-i k-know." She held onto my neck. "A-are we done?"

"Nope, not by a long shot."

"W-what mo-more so you w-want me t-to do?"

"Come on."

The rest of the time, I had her doing pull ups, push ups and lifting weights. I think Ebony might be spending a bit too much time together because the only thing she did today was complain.

"N-nolan?" Ebony came over to me once we got home.


"I'm so-sorry."

"For what?"

"Be-being a bu-butt today." She sat on my lap while I was trying not to laugh. "I-i'm r-really s-s-sorry."

"It's fine."

"N-no i-it's n-not" Ebony huffed. "Y-you're so-so nice to me and I'll I ever am to y-you is me-mean or a b-butt."

"Ebs, you are not always mean nor are you a butt." I told her. "I've been putting you through a lot of strenuous workout lately and I know you are going to be a bit more agitated lately."

"N-nolan, w-what do-does s-strenuous mean?"

"It means hard or um exhausting."

"O-oh okay b-but I-i'm s-still sorry."

"It's okay." I kissed the top of her head. "It's okay little wolf."

"W-what a-are you g-going to d-do about M-missy?"

"I'm going to meet up with a couple of the warriors tomorrow morning."

"C-can I-i stay h-here?"

"Yes, but the warriors are going to be here for the meeting." I laughed.

"W-why? N-normally y-you h-have m-meetings a-at t-the p-pack h-house?"

"I know but we can't have people listening in on conversations." I told her, wrapping my arms around her.

"W-what k-kind of c-converstions?"
"Well, most of the pack doesn't know that Missy is back so."

"G-got it, i-it's a s-secret m-meeting." Ebony placed her finger over her mouth.


"W-where are y-you go-going to be h-having this secret m-meeting?"

"In my office."

"O-okay, I'll ju-just watch t-tv down here." She told me before mumbling. "I-i don't like th- the office."

After kissing her forehead, I told her. "I know you don't little wolf."

"A-am I going to ha-have t-to do tr-training li-like we d-did t-today?"

"Not for a while."

"Go-good, m-my a-arms h-hurt."
"They're going to for a while, don't worry."

"H-how long is a li-little while?"

"Well, considering that we're werewolves, a day or two max."



The next morning, I continued to let Ebony sleep while I started the meeting- if all goes right, she should still be sleeping once it's done. Nine of the ten people I told to be here were on time and we were waiting for one person. One person who is going to go through the wall if he doesn't show up soon.

"Nolan why did you wake me up at five in the morning." Jay yawned/groaned.

"Because I can." I told him. "Anyways since we found out that Missy was in fact alive she's been trying to contact me for some reason, stating that she'll tell me more at later dates and to wait before we attack- now what you guys suggest? Do we attack or keep going milking Missy for information because the stupid mutt in the cells isn't giving any information."

"Well, how do we know if she isn't using us?" Guy asked. "I mean, what if she is just using us to get information?"

"I don't know but she seemed nervous, scared almost, to be there."

We continued to debate rather or not I should go to Missy for information and postpone our attack on the Midnight Summers. In the end, it was a six to four vote with us postponing the attack for the reason of 'if we can get as much information as possible then the attack will be more effective."

Once the guys left, I went to go check on my little wolf. Walking into the bedroom, I could see that Ebony was still sleeping or she was faking. All I could hear was her laughing over something.

"Ebony, are you up."


"You sure?"


As she continued to laugh, I pounced on the bed before I started to tickle her; after doing this for a good ten minutes, I asked "Good morning, how did you sleep little wolf?"

"G-good, w-when's the meeting?"

"It's over."

"Oh, w-what are w-we going to-to do?"

"Go back to sleep."


"Because it's still really early."  

*Sorry for such a short chapter and such a long wait. This is going to be the last update for about a week or so because I have a research paper due next Monday and I'll be working on it- this is also why this chapter is late. Sorry. And thank you for the 500+ votes *

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