Chapter 1

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A/N: Okay so first chapter is up! PLEASE TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK IN THE COMMENTS!! And if there’s any way I could improve then let me know.  All coprights reserved so if you take this in any shape or form I will hunt your ass down and drag you to court. Enjoy reading!

Do you ever get the feeling that you are being watched? Well that's how I felt right now as goosebumps pricked my skin. It felt as if someone’s stare was drilling into me and analyzing my every move. But no matter how hard I frantically searched my surroundings, no one’s gaze was directly pointed at me.

                I tried to push away the bad thoughts as I focused my mind on the events that had occurred earlier in the day. Today, I got signed onto my uncle's record deal. I may finally have a chance of becoming a famous singer like I have always dreamt of. I had texted my friend Kate to tell her the news but I still have not gotten a response. But as if on cue my phone buzzed, snapping me back to reality.

From Kate: OMG seriously?! You better not be joking with me right now or else I will slap you!

To Kate: Lol, I am not kidding! :D

From Kate: Yay! Let's celebrate tonight by going to the club! You might just meet a really cool guy to hook up with ;)

To Kate: Oh hush I am not looking to hook up with anyone haha but sure I guess

                I let out a small chuckle as I texted my friend. She was always looking for an excuse to go clubbing. But hey, I haven't been drinking in a long time and a drink or two to celebrate didn't sound too terribly bad.

                I checked the time on my phone and stood up. It was getting later as it is and I need to go home and practice my singing a little bit before I have to get ready for tonight. I slung y bag over my shoulder and grabbed my coffee.

               As I stepped outside a warm breeze caressed me as it blew by my face. I took in a deep breath and smiled. Autumn leaves gently floated to the ground as I passed the park and I closed my eyes so I could enjoy the peace while it lasted.

                I knew the way back to my house like the back of my hand as I slowly weaved corners. As I turned onto my street I opened my eyes. I walked up to my house and unlocked the door. A short breeze blew by me and I shivered as I entered my house and walked into my room.

                I walked up into my room and lit a few candles. The aroma of vanilla filled the room and I smiled as I went over and lay on my bed. I closed my eyes and slowly began to sing softly. As I closed my eyes, I let the song fill my heart and soul and soon enough I found myself feeling totally at peace. Things were finally falling into place.

Exit Wounds- A Niall Horan Fan-FictionWhere stories live. Discover now