Chapter 46

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Niall's POV:

I sped down the road as fast as the tires on my truck would go. I gripped the steering wheel tightly and pressed the gas pedal as hard as I could. This could not be happening right now. Why did I even bring her back? I should have just left her in that ditch so she could find her own way out.

I sighed to myself and punched the steering wheel, knowing I didn't mean that. I had loved her.. And whether she loved me back or not, that was something that couldn't be denied. I weaved through cars and muttered curses under my breath at the honking of other horns on the street. Damn people need to learn to drive faster..

I whipped into the bars parking lot and as I stepped out of my car I slammed the door as hard as I could. I stormed inside the building and shoved the doors closed roughly, gaining the attention of almost everyone in the small bar. The strippers had stopped dancing to turn and look at me with wide eyes. I took a small breath as I slowly glided over to the bar, an eerie quietness filling the room.

As I got to the bar I ripped a man out of his seat and slammed him harshly into the wall, causing it to dent. The strippers squealed like pigs and ran to hug each other as the men beside the bar stood up to watch in terror. I watched as the mans pupils dilate into mere specks in the color of his eyes. His face was pale as if he had seen a ghost and a small bead of sweat formed on his forehead. No one dared to move in the agonizing moments that drifted by. Then suddenly, a small smile peered unto the mans lips.

"Well.... I'll be damned! Niall it sure has been a while since I have seen you last." He chuckled and I faked a smile as I released my grip on his shirt.

"Good to see you too Louis." I said softly, taking a step back. He brushes himself off and smiles widely at me as he pats my shoulder. I think he saw how I was holding back a scream so he mumbled something softly and ushered me out the back door. We left everyone in the bar stunned and confused as we slowly walked out the back door and into the alley.

I have known Louis ever since Harry's dad was still alive. He was not a hit man though, he stuck more to stealing things and holding up banks. He was a little new at the whole being a badass thing when I met him. As we stepped into the alley we slid our backs against the brick if the building and fell to the dust, both of us letting out a breath as if we had been holding one in this whole time.

"So what happened Niallers?" Louis said calmly as he turned his face to look at me. I closed my eyes slowly. "It's a long story.." I whispered in a voice barely above a whisper.

And then I did it. I told him everything from the time when I had kidnapped her up until now. He listened intently, watching my lips as I spoke as if to understand better. I spared no detail as i felt my stomach tighten with every word. Emotions swelled inside of me and I let them all out. Well all emotions except sadness; I refused to let myself shed even a tear. When I finished I slowly turned my head and looked at him.

He sighed and shook his head focusing his attention on a dumpster across the alley. "Oh Niall, what have you gotten yourself into?" He asked. For a moment I didn't answer, thinking it was more of statement rather than a question. What have I gotten myself into? When I didn't answer, he continued.

"How could you have possibly thought that you could successfully fall in love with someone if you don't even love yourself? You seem to have found the one thing you're afraid of." He said as if he had said it a million times.

I began to protest but he cut me off. "And don't even try to tell me that you are not scared of anything. Every single person on this planet has a fear Niall. But weakness is a wound that no one wants to speak of so it seems like some people simply aren't afraid of anything but trust me they are. It is simply human nature. You my friend are afraid of falling in love." He says and then looks back at me.

I think about his words for a second and runs my fingers through my hair. Maybe I really was scared of falling in love.. I groaned an let my head fall back against the brick. "I need a drink." I mumbled as I felt an unnerving calm wash over me. I didn't care what happened next as I realized any chance I had of live was gone because I was too much of an idiot.

Louis chuckled and we stood up together. "Come on man lets go get you wasted, my treat." He laughed, almost as if our serious talk had never happened. And as we entered the door to the club once again, I couldn't help but wish we hadn't. I felt like I was running in circles in my life, helpless to stop it and always repeating my mistakes.

Running in circles... What a funny way to fall....

A/N: okay so this chapter was originally longer and more detailed but my iPod screwed it up. I may do revisions to it later though. Thoughts?

Exit Wounds- A Niall Horan Fan-FictionWhere stories live. Discover now