Chapter 51

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Nani's POV:

We spent most of that night, silent as we were entangled in each others arms. Words were not needed as we held each other close. Niall carried me up to our bedroom, laying me on the bed and crawling beside me. I turned onto my side and he wrapped his arm around me from behind, pulling me into his waist. We laid like that together, occasionally whispering small things to each other.

"I'm scared...Niall I don't want to lose you." I whispered, afraid to speak up as if hiding from the unknown. I hid my face in the pillow and he brushed some hair away from my neck before planting a small kiss there, near my soft spot. His breath brought goosebumps to my skin as I let out a shaky breath.

"Everything is going to be okay princess." He says as his Irish accent fills the stale air around us. I fluttered my eyes closed, feeling comfort wash through every fiber of my body at his words. He didn't say much, but he said enough. I believed him as I clung to his words and melted against his touch. His hands roamed down to my stomach and traced small circles on my shirt, occasionally making it rise.

Eventually I rotated my body so our chests were pressed together. I noticed then that the moon was the only light shining through the window, and yet it was bright and easily illuminated all of his features. He watched me with a soft, curious expression as he must have been searching my eyes. I smiled softly at him, realizing that this innocent boy who has been so full of love, was once the monster he described himself as.Yet I knew in my mind and heart that when this was all ever, he would never be the same. I don't think that he would ever be capable of hurting someone, ever again, unless of course protecting him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and held him close to me. I wish he saw his own perfection.

After a few minutes, Niall broke the comfortable looming silence. "Babe...I need you to listen to me okay? I am going to tell you something and you're not going to like it but I need you trust me." His voice said with a calm but firm tone. I bit my lip nervously but nodded as I kept my face buried in the crook of his skin.

"Okay. I'm going to use the last of my cell phone battery to call Liam...he is a good friend of mine and you can trust him okay? He is going to hide you until I can fight jake. Then when it's safe I will come find you. Look if you're here then jake will be able to use that and even if he got one finger on you, he could easily use that against me. I am going to fight him an I'm going to end this." He states. His arms held me protectively and he let out a shaky breath, as if he had been holding it in.

My eyes widened and I tightened my grip on him slightly. "Niall no! You can't-" I start to say but he cuts me off.

"I have to princess...and I need to know you will be safe." He says softly, pulling away slightly to look me on the eyes with sad concerned eyes.

My heart fell into my stomach and I realized he was right. I felt tears well my eyes and I slam my lips lovingly onto his. He kissed me back instantly, moving his lips lustfully onto mine. His hands trail under my waist and lays me on my back gently, hovering over me gently. I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him towards me gently until our bodies pressed firmly together.

We spent the rest of the night, caught up in young love and lust. We were roaming around each others bodies under the sheets, savoring every moment we could. We explored every inch of skin, making love as the iridescent glow from the moon coated our bodies in a warm comforting blanket. Time was not rushed as we took everything slow, as if time itself never existed. I felt every provocative touch that he sent, electrifying and highlighting parts of myself I didn't even know the purpose of until now. Each time my eyes met his, lust and love filled our minds, drilling deeper into the smallest parts of ourselves.


At the end of the night we laid breathless in each others arms, hearts racing in unison as we held each other close, bare skin connecting together in each others warmth. I wished nothing more than to stay like this forever.

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