Chapter 34

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Nani’s POV:

                I fisted his shirt collar in my hands tightly and took a deep breath as I pulled him down to me. He kept his glare on me and we stared into each other’s eyes to see who would break away first. I pulled him closer and suddenly planted my lips onto his firmly and not letting go of his shirt.

                I passionately kissed him. His eyes were open and they were wide with shock as he tried to pull away but there was no way I would let him.  I felt lost and I felt my heart start to break as I got no positive reaction from him. Right as I was about to pull away, he did something unimaginable.

                He wrapped his muscular arms firmly around my waist and pulled me closer, finally moving his lips to the beat of mine. I smiled wide into the kiss as all the imaginary butterflies from my stomach seemed to explode into fireworks around us as our lips moved together in sync. His lips were warm and soft as they seemed to drown me in pure ecstasy.

                I slowly released his shirt and trailed my hands upwards as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I gently played with the ends of his hair, running my fingers through it carefully.  He held me protectively as  he backed me up into a wall, our lips moving a little faster together. As I felt myself hit the wall I arched my back so my hips pressed firmly into his, without breaking the kiss.

                A small moan escaped his lips and vibrated onto mine as he began to grind into me. I wrapped one leg of mine around his waist as he pressed harder into me with a grind. One of his hands trailed down so he held the bottom of my thigh and rubbed it slowly. Now it was my turn to moan softly against his lips.

                He pulled away for a brief moment and looked me in the eyes. “I hate you so much for doing this to me.” He said seriously but a small smirk appeared on his face as his lips made contact passionately with mine once again. I chuckled softly on his lips and smiled as I kissed him.

                He lifted me up and I wrapped both of my legs around his waist. Neither one of us dared to pull away from each other’s lips even for a second. He supported me like I was a feather and I felt like I was on top of the world; He was my world. I slid my hands and caressed his face gently running my thumb over his cheeks as he carried me upstairs.

                He didn’t throw me onto the bed like I expected him to do. He gently laid me down and crawled on top of me, straddling me carefully as he kissed my hungrily. Our lips moved quicker but still managed to keep the burning passion. I let out a small whimper as I pulled his waist closer to mine.

                “You know,” I said pulling away from the kiss and panting on his lips. “I hate you for doing this to me too. You don’t understand how much I fucking hate you for making me want you so bad.” I panted and his lips slammed onto mine causing me to whimper in pleasure.

                He slid his hands up my shirt but right as I was about to stop him from going any further, he just rested the palms of his hands on my stomach. His body was so warm against mine as another quick breeze blew through. I slid my hands up his shirt and gently pulled it over his shoulders and he tossed it aside and went back to kissing me passionately.

                “Oh trust me I know exactly how you fucking feel.” He mumbled firmly unto my lips kissing me a little rougher. Was he still angry or just THAT passionate?

                He licked my bottom lip gently and I opened my mouth a little as he snaked his tongue into my mouth, leaving no place untouched. Oh yeah, definitely passionate and not angry. I pulled his chest down so he was laying on me now. His body weight was heavy but it felt good. His tongue wrapped around mine and he sucked lightly causing an instant but quick moan from the both of us.

                I ran my fingers up his bare chest and traced his abs lightly and he tried to pull my shirt up further but I pushed it back down, feeling nervous about going too far. He understood and slid his hands out from under my shirt and he ran his fingers through my hair. I was running out of air so I forced myself away from his lips even though the craving grew stronger. Absence really does make the heart grow fonder.

                He didn’t stop there. He kissed from beside my mouth, to my jawline, down to the soft spot on my neck. I ran my fingers through his hair and closed my eyes tightly as I felt him begin to suck. His hands trailed down my sides and gripped my hips gently as I arched my back a little. His sucking became rougher and I didn’t even know I was moaning before I yelled his name in lust.

                He pulled away and nipped the love bite gently and blew a puff of warm air on the newly tender skin. Goose bumps spread all across my skin and I pulled him closer. I was already out of energy and we haven’t done anything major.

                He realized how tired I was and he rolled onto his side and pulled me into his arms. His body warmth surrounded me and I instantly felt at peace. I panted softly and so did he as I wrapped my arms around him and cuddled into him. He pulled the blanket over both of us as I shook slightly and he kissed my forehead gently.

                Did we really just makeout while saying I hate you in between kisses? I grinned at the thought and looked up at him. His facial features looked concerned as they studied them and I shot him a curious glance.

                "Did I hurt you Nani?" He asked genuinely concerned. I chuckled softly and found some strength back in me. Yeah, its definitely been a while since I have had a makeout as heated as this one. I gently sat up and crawled over ontop of him, straddling him closely.

                I didnt answer as I kissed down his neck and ran my fingers up his neck to the back of his hair. I twirled blonde strands of his hair in between my fingers as I sucked on his neck. He moaned and rested his hands on my lower back. I sucked harded and swirled my tongue over the red tender skin now standing out boldly. 

                I slowly leaned in and whispered into his ear. "You're mine now Horan." I said with a playful smirk as I rolled off of him.

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