Chapter 18

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Nani’s POV:

                I lightly skimmed my fingers over the first page sadly. There were tear stains on it. I bit my lip and looked over at the bathroom door and still heard the shower going so I skimmed my eyes over the next few pages but they were only memories he had written down so I decided to skip ahead a few pages until I reached page five.

Page 5: Dear Journal,

                It’s been 4 days since Greg went to go for help. I have stayed under the bed at all times with no food and no water and have been occupying myself by writing memories in this journal of when things were happy. I’m desperately hungry and not used to being without food for this long but I will obey my brother’s orders and stay underneath the bed. My imagination was running wild of what could have possibly happened. Why didn’t Greg ever come back? What had happened to my parents?

                Then I heard a knock at my door. At first I was frozen in fear, too scared to disobey my brother but then I heard my neighbor calling me and Greg’s names. She said that the police were with her and that she was worried because she heard gunshots the other day and haven’t seen us since. She begged for someone to open the door so I finally got up to go answer the door but once I stepped out from my room I screamed.

                Both of my parents were lying on the floor dead, surrounded in their own dark pools of blood. My mother had a hole in her chest and my dead a hole in his head and he was gripping the gun. It was now evidently clear what had happened; my dad shot my mother and then committed suicide.

                My heart raced as tears swarmed in my eyes, threating to cascade down my cheeks at any moment. The police obviously heard my screams and they broke down the front door and ran upstairs, my neighbor trailing close behind. When they reached the top of the staircase they saw me crouched in a corner rocking myself and my two parents dead on the floor.

                My mind was a blur and everything happened in slow motion. The police man said something into his walkie-talkie and my neighbor screamed when she saw my parents as another policeman escorted her out. One policeman walked over to me and placed her hands on my shoulders but I lost it and started going into hysterics for Greg.

                The policeman tried to calm me down but I was too far gone. I was screaming and sobbing and every time he touched me, I only screamed louder and thrashed more violently. He got upset at me and he slapped me and began yelling at me. My dad had hit me before and I had been bullied at school but now it hurt more. This man was supposed to be helping me….

                Suddenly I went deathly quiet as I head a steady tearful glare. He grabbed me by my arms and forced me up. I followed him out to his cop car without a word and he drove me downtown. An investigator lady tried to ask me some questions there but I had no intention of answering.

                I said not a word to anyone. They all got irritated to me and finally gave up asking me any questions. They still talked to me though. They offered me food too but I never ate any despite my dying hunger. They explained that my dad had hit my mom and then finally he shot her then he must have killed himself.

             The more I think about it, the more I realized that they killed each other. They were supposed to LOVE each other but instead they killed each other. All of the years of fighting lead up to this. My father killed my mother and then he couldn’t live with himself for killing the love of his life so he shot himself. But hear death is the thing that killed him, not a shot to the skull.

                The police are going to be sending me to a foster home now. I still have no idea where my brother is. They never found his body but I knew he wouldn’t just leave me. Something had to have happened to him. But I did learn a few things today.

Never get close to anyone,

And some people just ACT like they want to help you.

-End of page 5-

                Tears swarmed in my eyes as I read the story of the poor innocent blonde haired boy. The one who calls himself a monster, and who is showering in the bathroom as we speak. My heart melted as I tried to wipe the tears in my eyes. Anger filled my heart when I read what the cop had did to him when all he wanted was his brother. But wait, where was Greg?

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