Chapter 27

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Niall’s POV:

                I had to do it; I couldn’t keep putting it off. The longer I waited the longer the gang had time to escape. Nani was sniffling and trying her best to hold back tears but failing as a few slowly glided down her cheeks. I didn’t understand why she was crying right now, it’s not like she cared about me. She probably only wanted me to think that so she could escape before her ex came to pick her up.

                I slowly pulled my arms away from her and she looked up at me with teary eyes. Damn, she was a good actress. I gently leaned in and kissed her forehead very gently as she closed her eyes tightly and whimpered as if someone was about to tell her that a family member died. I stroked a strand of hair out of her face and I slowly walked out of the bedroom, leaving her to cry freely.

                Pain flooded my chest as I left her there with tears in her eyes. I quickly made my way to the front door and jogged to my car before I could have second thoughts. I got into the car and my judgment just seemed to be clouded over. I pulled out of the driveway quickly and sped down the street. Was this the right decision?

                Then I remembered why this was indeed the right decision. I am a monster who deserves to die more than the criminals I am shooting tonight. But tonight I didn’t plan on dying. Tonight I planned on letting out all of my confusion and anger on these sick fucks.

                I sped down the road as fast as my car would let me, narrowly avoiding being hit multiple times. Adrenaline pumped my veins and I pulled my car to a stop at the warehouse. It was an old saw mill actually but they liked to call it a warehouse as if it made it cooler. I got out of my car as quietly as I could and walked to the trunk and popped it.

                In the back was a mini arsenal tailored to my abilities. I grabbed an automatic revolver, two hunting knives, a handgun and a grenade. These bitches wouldn’t know what hit them. I hit the handgun in my pants and carried the automatic revolver in my hand. One knife was on my hip in a hoister and the other was in my shoe. I carried the grenade in my deep pocket and I climbed up the fire escape to the top of the building.

                I was completely focused now. This was my mission and this is what I was trained to do. I unscrewed the screws on the vent with a penny I happened to find sitting there on the roof and listened carefully. The inaudible sounds of small talk sounded below me as I crawled into the ducts. These were only meant to carry air so I didn’t plan on crawling around in them for long.

                I army-crawled until I reached the first entry point of light and looked down in it. There below was the first set of security men, guarding the door behind them leading to the next pair. A quiet execution was going to be my best advantage.

                I silently unscrewed the bolts on this air vent and removed the cover. I listened as they talked about the football game that occurred over the past weekend and I smirked to myself. Slowly I began lowering myself as far as I could with my arms before I dropped heavily onto one man’s back, whipping the knife from my shoes and slicing his throat before lunging the knife into the other man’s neck. They both gagged and choked on their own blood as they reached for their guns but I kicked them out of the way.

                I moved through the rest of the building and took out most of the security guards with precision and determination. The last guy got in a final scream before I shot him in the head which instantly caused a widespread panic to arise.

                The boss, or kingpin as I call him, was instantly being removed as two guards ran out shooting their AK47’s at me. I ducked behind a statue as they began shooting at it, frantically chipping away at the mold. I cursed to myself and looked at my shoulder.

                I had been grazed by a bullet but nothing that I couldn’t handle. I reloaded and ducked out of the cover shooting one straight in the forehead and the other shot close to m, grazing the side of my head but missed. I smirked and planted a bullet straight in his heart.

                I panted but the relief of cease fire was only temporary. My heart raced with excitement and I ran outside to the balcony and looked around. The kingpin was being rushed into his car, pure shock on his face. I pulled myself over the balcony railing and dropped onto the hood of his car with a heavy thud.

                He had attempted to shoot off his machine gun but he seemed to forget that his car was bulletproof. I jumped down and as they rolled down the window I held the small grenade in my hand. Their eyes widened as they saw the pin missing and I tossed it onto the security man’s crotch with a smirk. The man looked at me with horror written all over his face as he shakily tried to grab the grenade to throw it out but his hand got stuck in the seatbelt.

                The kingpin scrambled out of the car and landed face first on the pavement just as I had ducked for the ear piercing explosion. Flames engulfed the car and I took a deep breath, recovering from the force of the blow and I stood back up and marched over to the kingpin.

                I grabbed his shirt collar and yanked him upwards. He pounded his fists into my chests as if that would make me let go. “No! Please I don’t know who you are but I have money! Loads of it! J-Just let me go and all of it is yours!” He cried out pleadingly. I found it amusing how one man who claims to be so high in power can beg so mercifully as if he was the epitome of innocence.

                 I threw him against the wall of the building and aimed my handgun at him without a word. I have come to realize that talking only makes it worse. “You are only one man there is no way you could have killed all 26 of those men without a sound! It’s impossible! You’re a lowlife motherfucker and you are going to die!” He screeched in frantic disbelief.

                I simply smirked as I felt darkness rush throughout my body. “You’re wrong; I am not just one person. I am your worst nightmare come to life.” I said as I squeezed my finger tightly on the trigger.

Exit Wounds- A Niall Horan Fan-FictionWhere stories live. Discover now