Chapter 12

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Nani’s POV:

You can’t outrun me Nani.

                His harsh voice echoed around the blackness. Where was I? I stood up and tried to cry out for help but not noise came out of my throat. A dry laugh filled the air as I felt tow cold hands closing in around my neck. I gasped and tried to scream again but only a soft speak came out.

                His hands slowly began to squeeze my neck tighter, beginning to crush my windpipe slowly. I thrashed my legs around trying to kicks him and I flailed my arms in attempt to hit him off of me but my hands made no contact with skin. A tear rolled down my cheek and suddenly his face emerged from the shadows.


                His brown hair all messy and lightly covered with a layer of dirt and dark brown eyes that drilled into mine with such a force that made me cringes. His defined jaw lines were clenched in anger as his nostrils flared at the sight of me. He had hatred written all over him and I quickly looked away from it.

                It all made sense now and it made it that much more horrifying. Right as he was about to crush my throat with his bare hands he threw me into the wall causing a large dent in it. He dropped me and I gasped as I scrambled to my feet and began running as fast as I could.

                No matter how fast I ran it felt like I was getting nowhere. His voice echoed around the room as he repeated the same thing:  You can’t escape me Nani.

                Suddenly the blackness closed in on me forcing into a small space where dirt was being thrown on me. I choked as I breathed in the dirt and forced myself to look up frantically to see Jake standing there smirking with the shovel in his hand. He was burying me. Why didn’t I move? I tried to scream once more until I felt my body shaking violently.


                I gasped and my eyelids flew open. My shoulders were sore and my body was being shaken as I felt pressure on my waist. I screamed again loudly, now aware that I could hear my own screams again. Someone was on top of me shaking me. Tears flowed down my cheeks like a raging river and I screamed more.

                “Nani stop, it’s me Niall! What the hell happened?!” the figure yelled. It said its name was Niall but all I could think of was Jake. My mind was racing and unclear as I screamed again, trying to push him away.

                “Get off me Jake! Someone please come help me!!” I screamed at the top of my lungs with all of my heart. I refused to open my eyes but tears still managed to break through. I kicked and tried to move my arms but the figure was now pinning me down to the bed.

                Suddenly his lips crashed onto mine sending electricity through my body. My eyes flew open and widened with shock. Before I could even process what he was doing my hand flew up in the air and I smacked Niall straight across the face knocking him backwards and onto the ground.

                I sat up and then saw it really was Niall and then I realized what had happened. I had a nightmare and Niall was trying to get me to calm down. But why did he kiss me? Guilt pierced my every vein now as I saw the hurt in his eyes. I just slapped him super hard for trying to help me…

                He looked up at me and I stuttered as I wiped my tears. “Niall I-I’m sorry I didn’t mean to I-I just thought you were Jake…” I choked out and he just turned his head quickly away while holding his bright red cheek. The room was quiet for a moment making me scared to breathe once again as I could visually see his breathing quicken. He was getting angry…

                He stood up and cradled his cheek which was even a little swollen now. Did I really hit him that hard? He walked over and grabbed his jacket and wallet. His anger could easily be sensed and my breathing hitched in my throat as he walked towards me. I flinched badly and curled in a ball as he raised his arm but he never made contact. He only shut off the lamp and stormed out of the room.

                He slammed the door so hard that the loud bang vibrated the walls of the house, making a picture frame fall and shatter. I listened carefully as I tried to calm myself down and I heard him get into his car and his tires screeched down the street loudly. My trembling fingertips slowly trailed up to my lips where his were just moments ago. Tears came to my eyes again but not from fear, just purely out of guilt. He tried to help me and I slapped him down hard. I couldn’t explain how badly I wanted his lips to be back on mine.


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