Chapter 25

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Nani’s POV:

                “My ex is behind all of this?!” I screech loudly with wide eyes and push away from him. I mentally curse at myself for doing that because I instantly miss his warmth.

                He sits up by propping himself on his elbows. “Yeah um I think his name was Jake something… he hired me to kidnap you so here we are. I’m assuming he is your ex by the way he talked but I guess I could be wrong. If you haven’t figured it out princess, I’m a hitman. This is what I do for a living

                I can’t believe I didn’t piece that together. So Niall is the puppet and my crazy ex is controlling his strings. I knew Niall wasn’t the type of guy to go around kidnapping random girls and then not really do anything to them!

                Niall stared at me trying to read my expression. I stood up and paced the room angrily. “I can’t believe Jake would stoop this low!” I shouted angrily unable to contain my obvious anger.

                My ex was the cause of so much shit in my life. I didn’t even want to THINK about what he has done to me in the past but this? This is a new low even for him. I can’t believe he hired someone to kidnap me! I mean goodness I never imagined he was this crazy!

                Niall watched me pace but he didn’t look surprised or shocked at my reaction. He simply stood up and brushed off his jeans. He stood tall and looked at me and I instantly stopped pacing. Instead I caught myself torn away from my thoughts and staring at his abs. I bit my lip softly and my eyes trailed up to meet his.

                I felt like crying as I saw sadness in his eyes. He has no idea what he has just done. He is going to be giving me over to my ex who will do who knows what to me. I felt angry and hurt but I knew he didn’t know any better. This was how he was raised. I felt my breathing hitch in my throat and I turned away quickly.

                As much as I knew it wasn’t his fault I couldn’t help feel a stab of anger run through me. Niall walked up slowly behind me and he rested his hands firmly on my hips acting like he was going to pull me closer, but I wasn’t in the mood. I walked away from him and went and sat beside the window as his hands fell limply to his sides.

                I didn’t bother to look up because I knew he probably had that sad look on his face and right now, I didn’t want to feel pity for him. He sighed after a moment and walked downstairs. I couldn’t help it now, tears poured from eyes silently. I didn’t make a noise; I just let them fall down my cheeks.

                I stared out the window and leaned my head against it. It felt cool against my skin and I placed my hand on it. After a minute I slowly pulled away and saw my handprint shadowed by the heat of my hand. My mind was racing but no matter how hard I tried it always drifted back to Niall.

                He was so confusing to me it was just so hard to handle it! First he kidnaps me, then he cuts himself, then he tries to molest me, then I find his journal and read his secrets, and now I find out he is working for my crazy ex?! I wanted to scream so badly in frustration. Was it impossible for me to just have a normal happy life?

                I sniffed and wiped the tears away. Just then Niall walked into the room with a bowl of soup. “Here… you need to eat.” He said softly as he set the bowl in front of me on the window ceil.

                “I don’t want to fucking eat.” I spat out a little harsher then I intended.

                He frowned and then spoke with a sad and firm voice. “Eat Nani or else I will make you eat.”

                I glanced over at him and glared as I raised the bowl and ate at least half of it. He nodded in approval and when I stopped eating he took the bowl away. “I will put the rest in the fridge so you can heat it up later. I’m going to go to work now so I will be home later.” He said as he walked to the door.

             Curiosity hit me like a frying pan. I glanced over at him as he walked to the door and sighed. I wasn’t mad at this man, I was mad at Jake for putting him up to this. I shouldn’t have snapped at him. “W-What’s the job that you have to do?” I ask a bit nervously as I bite my lip.

                He turns to look at me and he has an emotionless face once again. “Ever heard of the gang ‘Cobra Kings’? They are pretty notorious for their brutal manners and feared by most. My friend Harry is in their rival gang and I have been given orders to kill them.” My eyes widened as I thought they might pop out of my head from fear and astonishment. I was scared but only because I didnt want him to get hurt.

“You’re going to kill the entire gang single handedly?” I ask in horror.

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