Chapter 24

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Nani’s POV:

                I could hear the depression drift back into his voice as he  spoke of ‘being alright’ and how he started talking about how naïve I was being to not be afraid of him. Maybe he was right but I didn’t care at the moment. I gently leaned up and kissed his forehead and closed my eyes as I let my lips linger there for a few long moments.

                Suddenly Niall stopped. His arms, which had been wrapped around my waist, tensed up and he stood completely still as if I had just put a spell on him. He didn’t say a word and he didn’t dare to breathe as if it would shatter a dream.

                He just sat there, as still as a rock but because my chest was pressed against him I could tell he was anything but calm. His heart raced and mine skipped a beat, pleased at his excitement. I mentally smiled to myself at how calm he now was compared to a few minutes ago.

                 I slowly pulled my lips away from his warm skin and I wrapped my arms around him again and snuggled into his chest. He blinked a few times and snapped out of his trance and looked down at me with pure shock and confusion clouding his blue eyes.

                I closed my eyes and listened to his heartbeat. Neither of us muttered a word and soon he began to relax as his heartbeat slowed slightly. I gently wrapped my leg closer around his and we laid there entangled with each other.

                He began to move his hands which made my eyes fly open, thinking he was about to push me away or hit me. Instead he simply slid them up my back and played with my hair gently. I looked up at him but his eyes were closed and he was in his own little world of thought.

                I looked at his muscular arms around me and saw scars. They reminded me of the time that I had gone through depression but I instantly tried to shake those thoughts away. They were bad memories that were written on my skin. I was ashamed at what I had done to myself and so I hide them, praying to God that no one would ever find them.

                I hid them with concealer and long clothing and I always avoided things like swimming. I go clubbing on the occasion but only because it’s dark in there and the lines on your skin aren’t highlighted by the flashing strobe light. Now that I was kidnapped though I knew the concealer was bound to wear off eventually. I doubt Niall will say anything about them if he sees them though.

                “Tonight I have to go do something Nani so you will have to stay here. There is dinner in the fridge…” he said, finally breaking the silence as he kept his eyes closed. He had stopped playing with my hair and now just rested his hands at the back of my neck and one on my lower back.

                “Do you have to go anywhere?” I asked like a child and held him closer. Maybe if he would just break down those walls a little more to me then he would realize the right things in life. He still doesn’t know my journal and I hope to keep it that way.

                “Yes, I need the money because your ex doesn’t pay me much for this job. You will be okay here by yourself for a few hours.” He said calmly but I could tell he was holding back information.  I tried to think of what it could be but then it hit me like a ton of bricks.

“My ex is behind all of this?!” I screech loudly with wide eyes.

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