Chapter 47

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A/N: should I start giving all of the chapters names? And how are the chapter lengths? (It's hard to tell when I do it on this iPod lol)

Niall's POV:

Louis chuckled as men came in and swarmed the bar, anxious to watch the girls stripping off their clothes as their boners were practically popping out of their pants already. Louis had taken all of the money he got from stealing things and started this strippers bar. And let me be the first to say, it brought in some good cash. The girls on stage were warming up as they stretched. Music blared in the background, beats pumping hard against my chest. And then, a familiar feeling of déjà Vu arose in the pit of my stomach as my mind flashes back to the first day I had kidnapped Nani.

The sweating bodies piled against each other, the lights flashing and the music blaring, and a girl sitting down helplessly at the bar, unaware of what would happen next. Why did I feel so bad about that? Why is she different from any other person I have kidnapped? Even that night, I recall feeling a twisting feeling in my heart. I thought back to Louis's talk in the alley and guess I knew why I felt this way. I had forced her to come here, forced her to love me, and when she saw her chance she felt forced to leave. I hated myself for that.

Louis gave me some vodka with a shot of whiskey and I mindlessly drank the entire glass in a few seconds. Louis laughed an ordered free drinks for everyone at the bar. I gave him a glance and hesitated for a moment before clenching my jaw and pushing all of my thoughts away. "Hit me with another shot Lou." I say firmly.

He smiles and nods at the bartender as he fixes another an hands it to me. Me and Louis walk over to a booth and he smiles childishly. "Alright man, you wanna forget about everything? I will help you out. You deserve a day to go crazy." He chuckles and I give him a small smile. "Thanks man, I owe you one." I say as I sip my drink.

"Hey girls, why don't you come over here and give Niall here some special treatment?" He called across the room at two strippers. They giggled as they walked over here and Louis whispered something in one of their ears and motioned to me. I raised an eyebrow and sipped my drink again, trying to take it easy. He then winked at me and walked off with the other girl who was blushing like mad as they walked towards the back room.

The girl who he had whispered too smirked as she came over and pulled me up by my hand. Her long nails tapping my skin as my eyes were leaning more towards her breasts. I slowly felt the alcohol start to set in as I felt a wave of momentary dizziness. I followed the stripper, letting her guide me as I was curious to see what would happen. Then again curiosity killed the cat...

She sat me down in a chair roughly, making me spill my drink slightly and I grunted. She sat down on me and her hands trailed up my shirt. My muscles tightened as I realize what she was doing but I didn't stop her. She grinded against me as her hips moved like sloppy waves crashing on a beach. She must be the new girl. Her long black wavy hair fell against her almost bare back as her skimpy lace bra held in her breasts. She kissed up my neck and I faintly tried to push her off. I didn't feel anything, I need more alcohol.

"Am I not good enough for you?" She snapped. Yep, she was obviously new here because if she was smart he wouldn't have said that to me. I smirked and felt my eyes go dark.

"Bitch, your vagina flaps are so loose, an elephant would lose his dick in that mess." I said harshly, shoving her off of me. I felt annoyed now. She had gasped and glared at me but was soon occupied by another man. I rolled my eyes and walked to the bar, ordering the strongest thing they had.

A few minutes later and I was on the dance floor, laughing at the whores trying to come up against me. It was pathetic. I just wanted to dance. I let them try, but only paid attention to the song. My brain felt like it was about to implode at the pressure building up from the alcohol. Louis came over and soon joined me with dancing and forgetting everything. A temporary escape from everything. I could barely remember how to talk correctly much less remember anything that had upset me.

An hour later and me and Louis fell against a booth, gaining our breath and laughing. I don't even know what we were laughing at but I know I couldn't stop. My stomach twisted and turned and suddenly the world spun too fast. I gripped the table and felt myself fall forward, doubling over and vomiting up whatever was in my stomach.

The vomit came harshly as it burned my throat and felt like I was puking up burning needles. Almost nothing but alcohol was in my stomach so it soon turned into bile. I gasped, trying to stand up before I puked again. Louis had stopped laughing and I could hear him off somewhere far away calling my name. My vision blurred and I fell on my back, choking on my own puke and too weak to roll over.

What seemed like an eternity later, Louis had reached me and rolled me over. I gasped and coughed. My eyes hurt and I groaned at the feeling of almost dying but I couldn't do anything about it. Louis helped me stand up and he walked me into the back and handed me a glass of water to try and help clear my system of alcohol. I drank it slowly before slowly dropping the glass and watching the glass shatter to a million pieces.

I felt my body fall to the ground and slump over. Louis had barely anything to drink so I was thankful he was here. I felt fear spread through my body as my chest constricted and I felt paralyzed. Soon a calming blackness washed over my eyes.

"Dammit Niall stay awake!" I hear Louis call from far away. I see flashbacks of Nani and I, laying underneath the blankets back at home, enjoying each others warmth. Why am I so cold now?

"Niall!" Louis is getting further away. I see Nani laughing as I tickle her sides, trying to get out of my grasp. Why am I so alone now? I didn't mean to make her leave, I was just trying to make her smile. Nani come back to me...

And then it was quiet. Louis no longer screamed and Nani no longer tainted my thoughts. It was just simply.... Quiet.

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