Chapter 53

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Nani's POV:

I laid on my bed, curled into a ball. I had been crying for the past week now. I clutched on to Niall's journal that he left me. The worn leather book was laid open to the page where his last note to me, his very last words, engrave themselves. I sniffed, as all my tears had dried out and I no longer had the energy. The memory from a week ago, drifted into my mind, creating a very unpleasant flashback.


Liam and I sat in his car, waiting at the need of the street, disguised as foliage. We had the music going slowly as he hummed along, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel. We had talked casually as the hours went by. He told me how he and Niall met, told me where he grew up and other random facts about him. He asked about me as well and I told him about myself briefly but I was really too nervous to talk. I mostly just listened to calm my nerves.

It seemed like forever until we saw Jake's car speed down the road. I gasped and we turned the radio down as if that would help us hear. Liam locked the doors just in case and we watched Jake climb out from his car. He tucked something black and shiny into his shirt and I felt my heart stop.

"Oh god he has a gun!" I shriek and I try to open the door but Liam immediately stops me. He grabs my wrist firmly and I sit back down, staring at him with wide eyes.

"Niall has a gun too, don't worry." He says softy, trying to calm me down. I was anything but calm. I was terrified. I watched the house even though I knew it was useless. I couldn't ear or see anything. My fingers trembled and I clutched my bag tightly.

Then, as quick as I could blink, I heard gunshots. First one, then three more followed, and as soon as they came they were gone. I blinked and then felt myself screaming at the top of my lungs. I yanked and pulled at the car doors handle as hard as I could, screaming. Liam had started the car and wouldn't let me out. That's all I could do is scream. He pulled out of where we were hiding and I looked at him.

"What the hell are you doing?! Go back! He could hurt! We have to go back!" I screamed and slapped at his arms. He looked tense as his eyes glazed over, he was trying not to cry. He refused to look at me and I sank into the seat feeling hopeless as I sobbed and wailed. I screamed and tried hitting the glass window but it was no use. All I could think of was Niall was back there and we were almost certain he was dead. I wouldn't admit it to anyone but in my mind I think I knew.

Liam drove me back home that night, even stayed with me to make sure I didn't try to go back. He told me Niall did it because he loved me and wanted me to be safe, no matter what the cost. I knew it was true but the words strangled me. I didn't eat or sleep for the next two days, hoping; praying that I would wake up and it would all be a dream.

-end of flashback-

I sigh and felt the tears run down my cheeks again. I look down at the journal again. It seemed so unreal. I re-read his words once more.


God I hope you're reading this. I don't even know where to start. Well, I love you. I love who I am, or was,when I am with you. Now there's a good chance that something may happen to me. And in any case I wanted you to know how much I loved you. You are my princess. I know I haven't been the best guy before I met you but it means the world that you overlooked that. Words cannot describe how much I care about you. Your smile, your body, your laugh, your personality... Everything. No matter what happens, I will always love you baby girl. Thank you for being my princess.

Love Niall"

I sobbed and cried into my pillow, clutching the journal to my heart. "I love you too Niall... God I love you too." I sobbed. A few minutes later I heard a knock on my door and I felt a heavy heart, knowing it was probably Liam checking up on me again. I groggily got up and tried to stop crying as I walked to the door. I slowly pulled it opened and let out a small gasp.

"Hey princess... Miss me?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2014 ⏰

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