Chapter 45

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Nani's POV:

I woke up to the sun glistening through the window and shining in my eyes. I groaned and rolled over, pulling the sheets over my face and trying escape from reality. A sharp pain stung in my arm when I moved it and I gasped softly. I pulled the blankets off and looked at the minor cut on my arms and legs. What the hell...?

Sudden realization of last night flooded back to me. The memories crashed down on me hard.

I had tried to run away...


I couldn't see where I was going...


And I fell hard into a small ditch, hitting my head on a rock at the bottom and lying in a cloud of dust...


Until Niall's arms wrapped around me as he kissed my forehead as everything went dark.

I groaned softly as I felt my stomach twist and turn. Niall would know that I ran away and yet he still chose to save me. I was a complete idiot to think that this plan would work. I mean, what was I thinking?! Niall would have fought Jake even if I went to Jason willingly. I wanted to bang my head on a wall at how stupid I could have possibly been. And now I would have to face him.

My fingers shook gently with nervousness as I slid out of bed. I wanted to throw up I was so scared; not of him but of having to look him in the eye and confirm what he probably already knew. I slowly trudged over to the door and turned the squeaky handle. I gulped and took a deep breath before slowly walking down the stairs.

I walked quietly into the living room where Niall laid down on the couch, staring at the ceiling. His eyes show that he has been crying and his knuckles are bloody. "N-Niall?" I managed to squeak out sadly. His eyes trail away from the ceiling and then over at me. He sits up on the couch and looks straight at me.

Before I even had a chance to speak his voice drilled into my heart. "You ran away." It was not a question, he was stating what he knew.

I winced at his words as if they physically hurt me. I didn't know what to say to his statement so I stare down at me feet, holding back tears. "You saved me..." I say softly, trying to lighten the mood as I look up at him with a soft sad smile.

"Yes I saved you because I fucking loved you. Was this your plan all along?! Make me fall in love and while you're only intentions were to escape while I was high off this intoxicating feeling? Because that's what it is Nani. Your love is intoxicating just like drugs and no good ever came from those either." He spat out his words as his eyes narrowed at me, not daring to look away for a second.

I felt my heart drop and tears sprung to my eyes as he spoke. "What? No! This was never my plan!" I say almost breathlessly in shock.

He stands up but stays by the couch. "Right, because your plan involved you escaping. Well let me explain something about life to you Nani; you can't fucking run from your problems. And that's all I am to you; a problem. Because I am the only thing in the way of you going back to your warm house and getting a record deal from your uncle. Well maybe you should become an actor instead because you sure had me fooled."

He raised his voice as he talked. His cold and harsh eyes drilled into me. Tears began to fall and I tried to speak but my voice just cracked. "Niall please let me explain..." I said as I took a step towards him.

He took a step back from me almost in fear. His muscles went rigid and then he took two steps towards me until he towered over me.

"Explain? How about I explain how worried I was. I thought Jake had slipped past me and taken you! I drove for hours searching for you and found you hurt in a ditch and had to face to reality that you ran away. You didn't even say goodbye..." His voice trailed off and he looked hurt.

The pain in my chest was unbearable and I gasped for breaths between sobs. "Niall I just didn't want you to get hurt!!" I shout as I look up at him.

He eyes shimmer with tears but he refuses to let them fall. His voice is almost a whisper when he spoke again. "You didn't want me to get hurt? You know, the cuts on my arm from breaking down the bathroom door to see if you're okay, they hurt. What you did to me, it left a lingering pain that can't be seen or healed. No, what you did, it killed me Nani."

He takes a step back and walks over and snatches his car keys of the couch before walking over to the door. He opens it and pauses, gripping the handle tightly. "You wanted to be free so congratulations Nani, you're free to go." He says bitterly a his voice cracks.

He walks outside and slams the door so hard that the hinges rattle, leaving me to sit alone crying as I realized the full extent of my mistakes. I sat down on the couch and put my head in my hands and sobbed. His words broke me but I understood why he said them, which only made it hurt worse. I hadn't realized how much this was going to hurt him.

But what I was most afraid of, was what he was going to do to himself now that he was gone.

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