Chapter 33

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Nani’s POV:

                I was humming softly to myself with my eyes closed as I lay in the bed. It was early but I didn’t want to sleep, I wasn’t tired anymore. Suddenly a phone gave off a shrill ring causing me to jump and gasp softly. It was quite loud and a little annoying so I was relieved when Niall must have picked it up. I rolled onto my side and stopped singing as curiosity overwhelmed me. Who was on the phone?

                I slowly crawled out of bed and shivered as a cold breeze blew past my arms, causing goose bumps to arise. I debated staying underneath the covers but it wasn’t the same without Niall here anyway. I jogged down the staircase and I saw Niall on the phone.

                “Hey who’s on the-“ I started to say but was instantly silenced by Niall’s expression. Something was definitely wrong with him and whoever was on the phone was only getting him more and more worked up.

                Niall was pale and had a shocked and angry expression engraved into his fine facial features. His entire body was tense and he clutched the phone to his ear so tightly that I swore he could crush the phone with his bare hand at any second. I mouthed to him “what’s wrong?” but he simply turned away from me which made me worry a little more.

                I slowly walked in front of him and lifted myself onto the kitchen counter. He still didn’t look at me but I saw his jawline clench tightly.  He didn’t dare to mutter a word as he occasionally glanced up at me. Was he not speaking because I was here? Well, I don’t care I am not moving.

                Who could possibly be on the phone to make Niall so angry but yet it is someone who Niall doesn’t want to lash out on? I sniffed the air and smelled some delicious pizza simmering in the oven. Niall became to get angrier and I could see it flash in his eyes, sending chills down my spine.

                “Thanks for the reminder.” He says with an emotionless tone as he slammed the phone down to the receiver loudly. The receiver cracked a bit and I gasped at the loud and sudden noise. I looked at Niall with wide eyes.

                He looked up at me with a firm glare and we stayed silent for a few minutes. Rage flared in his eyes and they narrowed. What was going on in his mind, I have no idea but I wouldn’t want to mess with him while he was like this. Whoever was on the phone had some nerve.

                “What?!” Niall spat out harshly as he saw me staring with wide eyes. I blinked and stuttered but then shut up and thought it best to say nothing. I jumped off the counter and looked anywhere but at him. I wanted to ask him who was that but before I could ask he began talking as if he read my mind.

                “That was your fucking boyfriend.” He mumbled angrily. I tried to butt in and tell him that Jake wasn’t my boyfriend but I didn’t have the chance as Niall continued. “And he has added an extension so you are going to be stuck with me for a while longer.”

                My heart almost leapt out of my chest. I never wanted to see Jake again so the longer he stayed away the better. But that doesn’t explain why Niall was so angry. Did he not like me around? Suddenly I became defensive and stood my ground. “What the hell is your problem huh?! What did I ever do to YOU?!” I shouted.

                He didn’t look shocked at my outburst. He just shouted back with twice as much rage. “You don’t fucking understand what you do to me! It isn’t good for either one of us if you are around me!” H yelled and I took a step closer. I was not going to back down so I decided to poke at him a bit.

                “Why are you so afraid to get close to people huh?! I didn’t do anything to you and I don’t plan to!” I yelled and balled my fists. I was mad but boy was he hot when he was angry. Nope, I am not backing down.

                “Because when you’re alone no one can hurt you and you can’t hurt anyone!” He screamed and we were now face to face with each other, staring into each other’s eyes with a firm stare. Wow his eyes were like piercing blue glass with an intensity I don’t even know how to describe.

                “I won’t hurt you Niall! Why can’t you fucking realize that!” I yelled and now our chests were pressed together. I swear I was melting on the inside but another part of me wanted to see where this would lead so I acted firm still but I think he noticed my face soften for that brief moment.

                “How do I know you are being truthful?! Everyone who says that eventually ends up doing it! So why should you be any fucking different?!” he yelled as a vein in his neck became visible.

                I was torn at what I should do next as I felt his heart pound against mine. His was pounding with anger and mine was racing with desire. I debated listening to my heart or to my mind on what to do next.

                So I went with what my heart was screaming for me to do….

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