Chapter 15

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Nani’s POV:

                I sat there curled up in ball in the bathtub, with no shirt on, shaking and listening in fear to a drunken Niall in the other room. He had just tried to molest me and now he was getting up from the floor after I kicked his tenders. It had only been around 5 minutes since I had kicked him but I could tell he was getting up.

                He dragged his feet along the carpet and fell onto the wall for support, letting out a small groan. Once he regained his balance he began to shout and break things. I couldn’t understand what he was saying though so I stood up and crawled over to the door and pressed my ear lightly to it.

                “Fuck! Why can’t you do anything right?!” He shouted as it seemed like he broke a vase. At first I thought he was talking about me so I began to get defensive in my head. Well EXCUSE ME if I was taught that when someone tries to fucking rape you, you fight back! I thought to myself. But then Niall continued shouting.

                “I’m such a fucking LOWLIFE! I kidnap fucking innocent people, I kill people, and I get drunk and try to molest girls apparently!! And I don’t just kill people I KILL people! I make their bloody souls suffer! Is it impossible for me to be happy for once?! Harry lied, I am not fucking happy at all!” He screamed and he yelled out in frustration as he threw something, a chair maybe, against the wall near the bathroom making me jump a little.

                Who was Harry and why did he make Niall think that killing and kidnapping people would make him happy? What kind of sick person does that?!

                “You hear that Nani?! I’m the monster that people check for under their beds! I’m the monster that people PRAY they never encounter! And yet here you fucking are and you say you don’t fucking fear me?! Well maybe now that will change your mind!” He shouted and I heard the nightstand fall with a loud bang. His voice made me cringe and whimper as I realized what he said was probably true.

                He no longer spoke; he simply yelled in frustration on the occasion and threw his fists roughly into the wall. I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the wall whilst listening to his frantic pounding fists. I think I hated Niall but then something like this happens and it makes me just want to hold him and tell him everything would be okay. But I knew I couldn’t do that.

                The banging of his fists slowed down and I could hear his raspy breathing now. He was beside the bathroom door. I wanted to crawl back into the bathtub and curl into a ball but fear froze me in my spot.  I heard Niall pant as he leaned against the door from sitting on the flood. He breathing hitched and I could tell his head was right about where mine was. He let out a soft whimper and his breathing softened.

                I listened to his breathing as I lay my head on the door and soon I closed my eyes. I could tell he was asleep now as his breathing was soft and more even. Soon his body weight shifted again and I could tell his body had rolled onto the floor.

                I took a deep breath and gained the courage to stand up. Niall would need the bathroom in the morning for his hangover and I didn’t feel like having him break the door down and burst in puking and yelling at me. I slowly opened the door and cringed as it creaked. Niall stirred but he didn’t wake and I lightly sighed in relief.

                I stepped over his body and I saw that he had ripped the bandage from his arm off and his knuckles were bruised and had dried blood on them from hitting the wall so much. I frowned and looked around the room. The picture frames that were once hanging on the wall were now on the ground shattered and furniture was turned over. The walls had a couple holes in them and my eyes widened at how strong he must be but I tried to shake the thoughts away.

                I crept over to his dresser and pulled a shirt over my head to keep from feeling self-conscious. I then walked over to the bed and crawled under the covers. I was scared to be sleeping in the same room as Niall but I knew he wouldn’t hurt me now because of how hard he crashed into his slumber. I closed my eyes and pulled the blankets over my head.

I have GOT to get out of here.

Exit Wounds- A Niall Horan Fan-FictionWhere stories live. Discover now