Chapter 52

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Niall's POV:

Early the next morning I felt the sun shining brightly in my eyes and groaned as I pulled Nani's body closer to my own. She giggled softly and I opened my eyes slowly and smiled sleepily down at her. Her hair fell over her bare shoulders and I could see a faint outline of her collarbone. The blanket covering us kept my eyes from traveling down further. I could tell she had been awake for a while now, and I gently leaned in and kissed her cheek.

"Good morning princess." I say in a groggy sleepy voice as I rested my lips against her neck. I saw goosebumps rise on your skin and I smiled a little wider.

"Good morning babe." She says softly, almost in a whisper. We laid silent for a moment before I felt my smile fade. The air grew stale and I could tell she knew what I was about to say. I closed my eyes and let out a soft sigh, tightening my grip protectively on you.

"Nani... I have to call Liam." I say softly, slowly pulling away and looking into her eyes. She looked sad and he eyes were glazed as if she might cry. She sat up and wrapped her arms around me and whimpered. I wrapped an arm around her shoulders and reached for my phone, dialing his number. I hate doing this but I knew it would have to be done. I rubbed Nani's shoulder gently as she held onto me and tears rolled down her face.

"Hey man what's up?" Liam's voice said through the phone. Why was it so hard to breathe right now? It's for Nani's own good, I just had to keep telling myself that.

I took a deep breath. "Liam... I need a favor." I said softly into the phone. Almost immediately Liam's tone changed and I explained the situation as best I could without telling too much. The less he knew the better. He told me he would be over in five minutes and I hung up the phone.

Nani and I both stood up and got dressed before I helped we get a small bag ready. She sniffed and stayed in silence. I gently handed her her the bag and then I handed her my journal which I presumed she has already read. "I don't know if you have read it or not... But I want you to have this. I wrote something else in it last night but I want you to promise me you won't read it until you're safe in hiding. Liam is only going to take you down the road so he will know when it's safe. I trust him, he won't touch you." I say softy as she takes the journal from me and nods.

She throws her arms around my neck. "Oh Niall, please come home to me. Please... I don't want to live without you anymore. I love you. I know it's only been a short time but in this time you have shown me more love then I ever imagined and I have fallen for everything about you. I don't want to lose you. I'm so scared... I'm scared of losing you." She says quickly trying not to cry.

I held her tightly and buried my face in her neck. "Shhh baby... Look everything is going to be alright I promise." I whisper. I heard the door open and then Liam walked in to us. I kissed Nani's cheek and then kissed her lips passionately for a few seconds. "You guys need to go. He might be here soon." I whisper and slowly lets go of her.

She nodded and Liam walked over. "Don't worry mate, I will take care of her I promise." He says softly. I nod and him, thankful. He turns and looks at Nani. "Why don't you go out your stuff in the car? I gotta ask Niall a few questions." He says softly. She looks hesitant but I give her a small nods and she grabs her bag and walks out the door.

"Niall do you really think you're going to get out of this alive?" Liam asks seriously. The reality of this situation made my heart shatter as I inhaled sharply.

"No... I don't think so Liam. But if I die I'm going to make sure its not in vain. that bastard wont hurt her again. If you see any sign at all that I might be dead... I want you to take Nani home and don't let her come see. Promise me Liam." I say and looks him dead in the eye. He sighed and nods. "Yeah, I promise. Try and be careful man." He says and walks to the door, giving me a small wave and then walking out. I took a deep breath and sighed as I heard them drive off. This was it...


It took nearly three hours until I heard my door open and slam shut. I took a deep breath and grabbed the loaded gun waiting beside me and tucked it into my pants and grabbed my pocket knife quickly. I didn't expect him to come this soon. I took a deep breath and hid in the closet, waiting for him to come to me.

I heard his boots squeak up the stairs and come into my room. I heard his hollow grim laugh echo off of the walls. "Come on out Niall, I know you're here. Where is my package?" He growled. He was close enough I could hear the gritting of his teeth. I closed my eyes and as soon as light flooded the closet from him opening I lunged and stabbed him in the shoulder, missing his neck by an inch and then ripping my knife out.

He roared in pain, stumbling back a few steps as he grabbed his shoulder and I regained my own balance. I got into fighting position and held the knife up, glaring. "She isn't your fucking toy." I growled. He looked at me a little surprised and then narrowed his eyes. "You shouldn't have done that Niall. That was a very very bad move." He smirks. He reaches inside his shirt and suddenly I froze as I was met with a gun pointed at me.

I looked up slowly into his eyes and glared. "You think I'm fucking scared? Go on pull the trigger." I growled. He looked at me, shocked at my boldness.

The next few moments filled my ears with loud bangs that sent my world spiraling.

Exit Wounds- A Niall Horan Fan-FictionWhere stories live. Discover now