Chapter 40

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Niall’s POV:

                I panted softly as adrenaline pumped through my veins quickly. Harry had a smirk, twisted on his lips as he lowered the gun to his side and tucked it into his pants. I didn’t want to hurt Nani but it was the only way that I could think of to save her because I knew Harry would indeed pull the trigger. He had enough of his father’s blood in him to have a quick impulse.

                I felt myself tremble and it felt like all time escaped me as the world silenced around me. I slowly walked over to Nani as I assessed the situation. The lamb was left in the hands of the Lion so she could escape her hunter. I felt myself close my eyes as I approached her, true dread setting in at the task ahead of me. I felt myself offer a hand and to help her up, whispering something gently into her ear that escaped my mind as soon as it left my lips.

                She nodded carefully and I realized my eyes had been open the whole time, staring her into the eyes as she looked into mine softly. Fear was not written in her eyes anymore for it was understanding and acceptance. That killed me inside more than fear could have ever done. As I released her hand my fingertips traced hers until I no longer felt her touch. My heart dropped into my stomach as it seemed like the sound around us came crashing back into play with Harry’s voice breaking the silence like a shot in the dark.

                 “Are you going to stand here like a pussy all day or are you going to do something?” he demanded harshly, getting impatient. I knew it had to be now or never so I nodded slowly and looked down, not willing to look her in the eyes as the next few minutes were about to unfold.

                “What would you like me to do to her?”  I ask blankly as I ball my fists out of anger that I was being forced into this. If anyone was the pussy here it was him but I would never say that to his face.

                “I am not your instructor Niallers. Beat her, hurt her, just do something before I shoot you both out of boredom!” he shouts the last part and I take a deep breath and nods. I mouth the words ‘I’m sorry’ to Nani softly again and she nods, giving me the sign of approval.

                I unlocked her handcuffs which made Harry tense up and place a hand on the gun tucked away on his waistline. I shook my head and I inhaled sharply as I forced all emotion to leave my body. My eyes drew to a blank distant expression and my body was rigid and tense with anger. I gripped Nani’s shirt collar, yanking her up to her feet and slamming her against the wall.

                She grunted and she made her eyes widen, I couldn’t tell if it was from true fear or acting. I came to the conclusion that if she wasn’t scared of me before now, then she would be scared of me by the time I finished. I took my fist and slammed it into her stomach but purposefully misaimed and only grazed her side enough to leave a bruise.

                “You weak spineless bastard I know you can hit her harder than that! You are weak! You have never accomplished anything in your life and you never fucking will!” Harry shouted but I could tell he was amused by the grin he tried to hide. I growled, knowing I was weak but not for the reasons he listed.

                I was weak because I could not stand up to this man standing behind me, hiding a sinister smile only to entice me more. I could kill ruthless bastards with my bare hands but I couldn’t say no to beating my girl, just because for once in my life I was afraid. Not afraid of Harry in general but afraid that he too would leave like everyone else in my life. I was scared what he would do to Nani. I was scared, and that was worse than getting my ass beat.

                The next few minutes went by quick. Out of anger for myself I just wanted to get it over with so I made a few punches and a kick before I managed to knock her out and then I tossed her to the floor and clenched my jaw before staring at Harry. He smirked and slowly clapped his hands as if this had been a circus. Unfortunately, I was the freaky main act.

                “Get out.” I growled angrily stepping towards him, full rage blinding me from anything. I grabbed Harry’s gun before he could even muster a word and I shoved it deep into his mouth.

               “And if you ever think you can get away with doing something like that again, then you won’t only be deep throating the gun barrel, but I will personally carve your name into a bullet and send it shooting down your spine. Your body will have so much lead in it, that you could be considered a pencil case instead of a bastard!” I growl and for once Harry had wide eyes that genuinely showed fear.

               I snarled and dragged Harry down the stairs, keeping the loaded gun, aimed into his mouth until we were outside and I shoved him roughly onto the gravel road and spat beside him. I turned as he scrambled inside, and I threw the gun so hard that it broke against the wall. I finally stood up to Harry….but now Nani was hurt and that was my fault. As I remembered the look of acceptance in her eyes I cringed and slammed my fist onto the corner of the wall.

               The poor lamb, trapped in the claws of a lion, but protected from the torture of the hunter.

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