Chapter 38

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Niall’s POV:

                I took a deep shaky breath as I got up from the bed and slowly descended down the staircase, treading carefully just in case it was someone I should be alarmed by. Nani’s ex said he wouldn’t be back for a while…so if it was an enemy I had made within the past few years then I was screwed. Then again... why would an enemy knock?

                I pulled out a hand gun as I approached the door. I kept it aimed to the floor but still cocked and I looked through the peephole and shook my head. I swung the door open quickly and aimed the gun straight at his head. “Hello Harry.” I smirk at his shocked expression as I had acted with impressive speed. If he were an intruder he would have been dead before he could blink.

                Harry’s shock expression faded into a smirk and I lowered the gun. He gave me a slow clap as his eyes turned back to their normal cold and dark green but they also showed signs of being impressed, which was something I am not used to coming from him. “Good job Niall, you are learning.” He said slowly as his eyes scanned me intensely.

                His eyes trailed to my bandaged arm. “Did you get in a fight?” he asked firmly as his eyes trailed back up to mine and he held a firm glare.

                I shrugged. “If you count a fight with myself, then yeah I guess you could say that.” I mumbled and leaned against the wall, crossing my arms over my chest.

                “And did you lose?” he mumbled quietly as he raised an eyebrow. That was the one thing Harry would not get mad at me for doing. He didn’t approve of me hurting myself, he would rather me hurt someone else.

                I didn’t give him a direct answer, not wanting to hear some lecture about how I shouldn’t let anything hurt me. I just shrugged and nodded as I looked away. He sighed, annoyed that I didn’t answer.

                “So where is this girl that you seemed to think you have ‘fallen in love’ with?” Harry asked as he began walking up the stairs.

                My eyes widened and I ran up there before him and blocked his way from the bedroom. I heard the shower turn off and began to panic. “Harry no please don’t do this! Please! I can handle this!” I shout out at him.

                Harry’s eyes narrow at me. “Prove it Niall. And if you can’t prove to me that you can hurt her then I will!” he growled as he grabbed my shirt collar and slammed me into the door roughly. “And if you EVER get in my way again, you WILL regret it.” He growls furiously.

                I took a shaky breath and nodded. Why was I so scared all of the sudden? And was I seriously going to hurt Nani just so Harry wouldn’t…? I groaned as I heard the bathroom door unlock and she stepped out in some of my clothes.

                She gasped when she saw Harry clutching my shirt collar and she took a step back, wide eyed and now shaking a bit. “W-What’s going on?” she asked with a trembling voice.

                Harry smirked as he released my shirt collar slowly and I took a deep breath and looked at her. “I’m sorry…” I mouthed to her softly as I began to walk over to her. She looked at me wide eyed, as she trembled but didn’t move. It’s like she understood that what was about to happen, was for the best.

                As I got close enough to where our chests were pressed lightly against each other’s. I didn’t have to look back to know that Harry was watching us with a grin. He wanted me to learn a lesson that I was supposed to have been taught a long time ago: that love would never come to a guy like me. As I looked down at Nani’s scared eyes I came across the hardest question I ever had to answer:

                Was I willing to hurt the one that I loved to protect her?

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