Chapter 30

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Nani’s POV:

                I smiled sleepily knowing that Niall was home but I still had the dark thought lingering about how hurt he was. I quietly crawled to my feet and slowly creaked the door open barely only to see Niall’s figure there standing in the shadows.

                “Oh!” I gasped as I fell backwards in shock, not expecting him to be so close. My heart raced from the sudden shock but as I looked up at him I smiled and chuckled softly. “You scared me.” I explained sleepily as I stood up and yawned.

                He stared at me with absolutely no expression as his eyes scanned me. He didn’t say anything as he pushed by me. As I got a better look at him in the light I saw how he didn’t have hardly any wounds. He had a rip in his shirt exposing some bloodied skin as If a bullet had merely grazed him but other than that there were no visible wounds, which actually shocked me. He really had killed an entire gang by himself? And why was he suddenly being so distant and blank again?

                I frowned and took a step forward as he sat on the edge of the bed. He turned his hands over so he was staring at his palms intently and looked angry. “Niall are you okay?” I asked quietly. He didn’t respond and acted like I hadn’t even said a word as he stood up suddenly and walked over to his dresser. He kept his body turned from me as he pulled his shirt over his head revealing his toned body.

                I felt my heart skip a beat as the fine lines of his muscles were exposed. I bit my bottom lip and chewed on it softly, a bad habit I seemed to have developed while being here. He slowly pulled on a white short sleeved t-shirt and turned to face me.

                The shirt bluntly exposed the old and new scars even though his tattoos blended most of them in. One scar of his in particular caught my eye. Niall had traced all of his veins with his blade on his left arm. The scar traced from his wrist up to the crease in his elbow. It was like dark beauty written all over him.

                He looked at with that same blank expression as he tilted his head slightly to the side studying me curiously and I realized I had been staring at him like a drooling idiot. My face instantly heated up and I looked away bashfully. As he made no noise or movement I got the courage to glance back up at him and I saw a smirk plastered on his face. The fact that he found this amusing only made me blush worse.

                I locked eyes with his, staring and searching for any sign of emotion other than amusement but found none. I forced my eyes away from his as if they were in a trance and my eyes trailed down his arm where the bullet had grazed his arm. It was a small wound right above one of his tattoos and it was covered in dry blood. I was still in utter awe that this was his only wound.

                Suddenly Niall walked over to me slowly and he grabbed my wrist firmly and pulled me to the bed. By reflex I tried to pull away which only made him glare at me slightly and yank me onto the bed. I landed on my back and grunted softly, staring at him with wide eyes.  He kept his eyes trained on me staring at me with harsh lustful eyes.

 He slowly crawled onto the bed on top of me and I looked at him fear now pouring throughout my veins. I had seen this look in his eyes before and it was when he was drunk but there was no smell of alcohol on him now; only the faint smell of smoke and gasoline. His hand grazed my hip slowly causing me stare at him in horror.

                He bit his lip and chewed on his lip-ring as his hot breath came closer to my neck. I forced my eyes shut tightly and whimpered softly as I felt his warm breath trail down my neck. He held both of my hips firmly in his hands and I was instantly too scared to fight back. I laid there expecting him to start grinding or something but suddenly the weight was lifted from my body and he rolled beside me. I opened my eyes and looked at him with his back turned to me, lying on the opposite side of the bed as he reached up and turned the light off.

                “Go to sleep.” He muttered the command softly and made no effort to look back at me and my completely stunned expression. But I did what I was told as I slipped under the blanket and watched him cautiously. He didn’t move an inch except the steady rise and fall of his chest. I began to relax and soon I slowly found myself drifting to sleep.

Exit Wounds- A Niall Horan Fan-FictionWhere stories live. Discover now