Chapter 31

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Niall’s POV:

                I sat there watching her sleep. At some point in the night she has curled into me and wrapped her arms around my waist. I had tried to push her off but she was stuck to me like glue. It made me frustrated. I didn’t sleep well at all so I just laid there, watching Nani.

                Her breathing was even, her body relaxed, and her eyes were closed. The only time she moved was when she tense up her arm and leg muscles around me when I tried to pull her away. For the second time….or was it third…..we were in the same position entangled with each other.

                I didn’t want to hold her because that would just make me want her more than I already did but I had no choice except to drape an arm around her waist. Her legs were twisted in with mine and her arms were around my neck. Her fingers were resting in my hair and I could feel her warm breath trail down my chest. She had her body pressed lightly to mine and as much as I hated this feeling, I couldn’t help but feel my heart skip a beat every time she moved the slightest.

                Harry’s voice rang through my head as a constant reminder not to get close to her but it was harder than I imagined. It was 5am now and the sun was barely coming up over the hills outside of the window. Darkness still clouded the sky with only the silver lining of light. Birds began chirping their incessant tunes of singsong happiness. It sickened me.

                Within a few minutes Nani began to wake up slowly. She tensed up once again and let out a soft groan as her eyes gently lifted open. I watched her carefully inspecting her every move. She looked up and me and ran her fingers through my hair slowly as she smiled sleepily.

                “Good morning Niall.” She whispered in her soft hoarse morning voice. She reclosed her eyes and rested her head on my chest.

                “Uh…morning…” I say. I was not used to waking up to a girl that didn’t have a sack of cocaine next to her or her druggie friends staring at us like piranhas. That was the only time I ever hooked up with a girl from a club. I don’t see how Harry put up with it but that was beside the point. The point is; it was kind of relieving to wake up next to a girl who didn’t freak me out, as dumb as that sounded.

                She twirled a strand of my hair between her fingers and she was now looking me in the eyes. I realized I should probably pull away at this point because I was getting too comfortable. I slowly put my hands on her stomach and slowly pushed her off. She didn’t try to stop me but her mood shifted. It went from light and happy to sad and pouty.

                I sighed and made up some lame excuse. “I’m going to go cook breakfast.”  I said quietly. “Try to get some sleep and I will come an wake you when it is ready.” I continued as I walked to the door.

                She sighed and nodded as she snuggled back into the pillow. The dawn sky barely got brighter as she smiled. “Try not to burn yourself again okay?” she said as she closed her eyes, a small sleepy smile traced on her lips.

                I smiled and shook my head at her reference to a couple days ago when I had made her spaghetti and burnt myself. I shook my head and descended down the stairs into the kitchen and started cooking some omelets, careful not to burn myself for once.

Suddenly, the home phone rang….

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