Chapter 43

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Nani's POV:

Niall and I laid together underneath the warm sheets and wrapped up in each others arms. His breath was trailing down my neck in soft wisps that made my stomach flutter each time. I had been asleep but had woken up to something outside which had frightened me. It was probably just the wind jealously tapping against the window though so I was easily able to relax once again.

Niall slept peacefully, and when I had moved his grip would protectively pull me closer. His chest rose and fell softly as his heartbeat became my lullaby in the quietness of the night. Outside the window, millions of starts glistened against the glow of the moon and illuminated the small road just beyond the woods.

I glanced back over at Niall and smiled contently. He reminded me of a small child, unaware of the wrong he has done and protective of the ones he cares about despite the danger it may cause. I cannot seem to shake that thought; that I am only an inevitable danger that he is blindly willing to protect. My ex-boyfriend will eventually come to collect his prize and Niall will fight him. Knowing my ex however, Niall would not survive the fight.

My ex-boyfriend's name is Jake and he is a very dirty fighter. He will do near anything to get his way an has the money and lawyers to get away with it. I hated him with a burning passion now and I wish he would just leave me alone.

Sadness crept into my mind as I thought more and more about it. I brushed a small strand if hit out of his face and giggled a bit as his nose scrunched up. I wanted nothing more than to keep him safe, even if that meant dying in the process. My heart was heavy as I made up mind:

I would run away and I would disappear somewhere Niall would never think to look. Then I could protect him from having to fight and he would no longer have to worry about the danger.

As I glanced over at the clock it's numbers flashed at me with a soft red glow that read 2:47am. I would need to move quickly if I were to get at enough away from him before he wakes up. I slowly inched out of his arms and when he tried to pull me back I made a quick slip out of them. He groaned and rubbed his eyes, looking up at me sleepily.

"What are you doing babe?" His thick Irish accent whispered tiredly.

"Oh I um am just going to the bathroom babe, go in back to sleep and I will be back soon." I said quickly, giving a small smile to help reassure him.

His eyes scanned me curiously and I knew he could tell something was wrong. Right as I thought he was about to call me out on it, he sighed and nodded as he slowly laid back down. I held my breath as I tiptoed to the bathroom. That was too close for comfort, I had to be more careful. I gently pulled on some basketball shorts and one of his t-shirts. God, they still smelled like him even! This was going to be harder than I thought.

I looked over at the bathtub and saw blood from a few days ago. The day he broke down and even for a moment he let someone into his life. My breathing hitched in my throat as I held back a whimper at the memory. Seeing him so distraught was horrible. I needed to forget about him though and eventually he would forget about me. It just had the be done for his safety.

As my heart weighed heavy in my chest, j stepped out of the bathroom and glanced back over at Niall who was fast asleep once again. I clenched my jaw and held back the tears knowing that this had the be done. Niall was not strong enough to fight Jason and whether he saw it or not, I knew he wouldn't be able to do it. I slowly walked over to the door and quietly slipped out of the room. I quickly made my way down the stairs and as I got to the door my heart eased up a bit.

It was unlocked.

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