Chapter 28

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Niall’s POV:

                The shot echoed off of the abandoned alleyways as the only sound left was of my soft raspy panting. I lowered the gun and placed it firmly back into its holster as the adrenaline slowly wore off and I smirked to myself at the job well done. But now there was a new matter to take care of: Disposal.

                I slowly dragged the man’s body back into the building and placed them all together. I took out each of their wallets, taking their ID’s and whatever money they had and shoved it into my pockets. I then grabbed my knife and used the grip to knock out each one of their teeth so there would be no way in the future to identify them.

                I looked around the old building until I found a couple gallons of gasoline, smirking at my luck. I went to the bodies and drenched each one of them until I gagged lightly from the smell. I shook my head and looked around picking up each of the bullet casings from my gun before walking outside and pouring the gasoline around the perimeter.

                I walked back about ten feet and flicked out my lighter before throwing it into the building as hard as I could. I ducked as flames engulfed the entire building and then I stood to watch the old rugged place burn. I stayed there silently watching as the flames engulfed the building and sent it crashing to the ground before I walked back to my car, satisfied with the job.

                As I walked to my car I pulled out my phone and dialed Harry’s number and on the second ring he answered. “Did you get the job done?” his deep British voice sliced into the phone.

                “Yeah it’s done. How is the life of an untouchable gang leader treating you?” I asked with a smirk as I let out a small chuckle and got into my car.

                He let out a dark laugh. “It’s treating me juuuust fine. That Kate girl that you set me up with was pretty cool. I slept with her a couple times and man she is wild in bed. How’s the life of a ‘best of the best’ hitman treating you there Ni?” I smiled as he called me by my nickname.

                “It’s um…” I hesitated, wondering what I should tell him but he cut me off before I could continue. “You have grown attached again haven’t you Niall?” He said with a firm emotionless voice that made me cringe as I started the car.

                I hesitated yet again which was proof enough for Harry. “Niall you can’t do that. Look, no one wants to love killers like us and she isn’t yours to love. You were hired to kidnap her for her ex-boyfriend. In a matter of a few days she will be out of your life forever and you won’t ever get to see her again. Do I really need to remind you what happened last time you got attached to someone when you worked for us still?” He said starting to get angry and my eyes widened as the memory drowned me.


                I was 17 years old at the time and still fairly new to the job when Harry’s father had brought in a little girl around 8 years old. She was very cute and small but she had the bravest little heart I have ever seen. When she was first kidnapped she didn’t cry or beg for mercy like the others, she simply sat there and looked at me and Harry and when Harry wasn’t looking she would smile at me.

                I was intrigued by her so I snuck down to where we held them and I talked with her. She was a little girl who had fought cancer and won but was now a foster child. I had asked her why she was always smiling at me and never crying and she said “Bad things happen to the worst of us, it’s what we do that brings out the best of us,” Such wise words for such an innocent little girl. She said she would always smile even if she was going to be killed because she knew crying would do her no good and struggling will only make it worse.

                I asked her how she knew she was going to die and she said that the man who had hired Harry’s dad to kidnap her was going to work all of these children to death. She had overheard Harry talking to his father and was smart enough to pretend she was asleep. She had the biggest green eyes and the cutest puppy dog face in the world. I would constantly sneak down to come visit her in the cells and on the occasion I would even braid her hair. How could I say no to such a brave little girl?

                One day Harry’s Father had caught me talking to the little girl and he yelled at me for three hours about how I was supposed to be a cruel hearted man who isn’t afraid to slice a throat here and there. As punishment he made me go three days without eating and on the third day he said we were going to have a barbeque.

                I knew something was wrong though when he took me to a room with a glass window looking in on another room. Two large guards held me down by the shoulders and they brought in the little girl. She doing quiver or shake but she looked around the room with scared eyes. I knew what was about to happen next as my eyes filled with horror. I screamed and thrashed around trying to go save her but it was too late, they had closed the doors.

                They had drenched her clothes in gasoline and flame throwers were lit all around the room. The little girl screamed and screeched as her clothes caught on fire. She frantically tried to put it out and was screaming for me. “Niall I’m not ready to die!! Please I admit it I’m scared!” She sobbed. I closed my eyes tightly unable to watch the scene unfold anymore. After 5 minutes the screaming finally stopped and Harry’s father’s voice filled the hollow in the room.

“You shouldn’t have become attached.” He growled before promptly walking out.

                                                                -End of flashback-

                "I won’t let it happen again Harry.” I said as I clicked my phone off, the little girls screams echoing through my mind as I watched the saw mill burn.

Exit Wounds- A Niall Horan Fan-FictionKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat