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Ashley's POV~

I just got amazing news. And I couldn't wait to share it with my husband. I walked downstairs and saw him in the kitchen. I quietly snuck up behind him, and laid my head on his shoulder.

"Hey, baby." Joey smiled.

"Hey. I just got amazing news." I announced.

He turned to face me with a smile on his face, "What is it?"

"I just found out that the team I wanted to join relocated to Nashville, and I got accepted on the team." I cheered.

"Ash, that's amazing! I'm so proud." He smiled, kissing me quickly.

"Just the bad thing is, I'll be traveling a lot." I lowered my head with a sigh.

He lifted my head, with two fingers under my chin. He looked me in the eyes, "Hey, we'll make this work. You've worked hard for this. And I'm extremely happy and proud. I love you, and if you want this, you do it."

"Thank you. I'm glad that I made you so proud, and I'm glad that you support me. I love you too." I grinned, kissing his cheek.

"Why don't we invite the guys and the team over?" He suggested, quirking an eyebrow.

"Okay. You call the guys and I'll call the team." I nodded I quickly kissed him, then walked off to the other room.

I texted the team, which luckily I already had their numbers. Inviting them over for dinner. About a few minutes later, I got all their responses.

"The guys'll be over in a few minutes." Joey called from the kitchen.

"Okay, the team will be over for dinner." I said, as I walked back into the kitchen. I started pulling things down for dinner.

"Oo. What's for dinner?" He asked.

"I was thinking about spaghetti." I answered.

He smiled, "Sounds good."

"Do you think that the team will like me?" I asked, my nerves getting to me.

"I'm sure that they will. What's not to like about you?" Joey grinned, "Just tell the guys that you're off limits."

"I wouldn't dream of being with someone else." I said, putting the meat on the stove.

"Hey! We're here!" The guys call.

"In here." I answer. Just then Alan, Chad and Caleb come running to the kitchen.

"Ooo. What's for dinner?" Chad asks.

"Spaghetti." I replied.

"What's the great news?" Alan asks.

"The team that I've been wanting to join, relocated down here, and I got accepted." I announced.

"That's amazing Ash." Caleb says, hugging me.

"I just won't be home as often. The team travels a lot." I sigh.

"I told her she should do it. She's worked so hard for this job." Joey adds.

"Yeah. Ash, we'll support you. Do it." Chad supports.

"Thanks guys. You're amazing!" I smile, giving them all hugs and kissing Joey on the cheek. Then someone knocked on the door.

I went to answer it, and I was greeted by seven people.

"Are you Ashley Stamper?" The tall, younger, dark haired man asked.

"Yes." I smiled. "I'm guessing you're Agent Hotchner?"

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