Chapter Three

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•Chapter Three {Next Of Kin}•

Spencer and I sat in the SUV, listening to the music in the background. We were on our way to meet Edith and Brigham's child. Robert Yehush. Only child, single, 35.

"Hey, did the Emik's have any children?" I asked.

"Yeah. A daughter, her name is Lilah Emik. Only child, single, 32." Spencer answered.

"Must be a coincidence." I muttered, "For now at least." My phone started to ring, not paying attention to the call ID, I answered.

M- "Agent Stamper."

J- "Baby?"

M- "Oh, I'm sorry Joe. I wasn't looking, I'm driving."

J- "Sorry, I just got your text. We just back from our first concert."

M- "How was it?"

J- "It was good. So you're sure it's not my parents?"

M- "They weren't reported missing, and we haven't found any bodies. So, yes. I'm gonna see them after the case is over."

J- "Alright. I also wanted to check on you."

M- "Thanks. I'm good. I gotta go again. I love you, and I'll call soon."

J- "Alright. Talk to you later. I love you too."

I hung up and put my phone away as we parked in the next-of-kin's driveway. Spencer looked at me before getting out. Spencer questioned, "Does he always worry about you like that?"

I nodded, "Yeah. He's even more worried, since I took this job, me traveling a lot, and with him being on tour. He's worried about me, and he's worried about his parents."

"Must be nice to have someone who loves you." He muttered.

"Hey, look at me. You have a mother, and a whole team who loves you, worries about you, protects you. And they speak very fondly of you. This is what family is." I grinned, "They love you. Don't tell yourself otherwise. I think fondly of you. You're a great person, and a great friend. I'm glad that I get to call you that, a friend, a brother, someone who I trust with my life."

"Thanks." He smiled softly. I knocked on the door, pulling out my badge as I did so. A short man, about 5'6, short dark red hair came out.

"Are you Robert Yehush?" I asked.

"Yeah. Who's wanting know?" He growled.

"FBI. SSA Stamper, and my colleague Dr. Reid." I introduced myself, flashing my badge.

"What do you want?" He muttered. I huffed slightly.

Spencer sighed, "You're parents are deceased. They were found two days ago."

Robert's face fell with a saddened look, and changed his attitude almost instantly.

"We're sorry. We were wondering if you would be up to answering any questions." I suggested, apologetically.

"Uh, sure." He murmured.

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