Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Ashley's POV*

"Can I sit with you and Uncle Joey?" Rowe asks cutely.

"Of course, pumpkin. Come here." I smile, holding out my arms. She flings herself into me and hold her. Very soon she's asleep, along with everyone else. I just sat there, pondering on today, and finishing the movie.

After the movie was finished, I sighed and got up. I laid Rowe down on the couch, next to Al and Brycie. I thought about waking Joey up and seeing if he wanted to lay in bed, and not on the couch.

I sighed as I gently shook him. "Joey, baby, wake up."

"Hm?" He asks. His eyes barely opened, just showing partial of his bright blue eyes.

"Hey, I'm going to bed. I didn't know if you wanted to lay in bed or on the couch." I replied.

"I'll come." He says quietly. I smiled and held out my hand for him to take. He took my hand and I helped him up. He mumbled something and kissed my cheek.

I stood in front of him. I folded my arms across the back of his neck. "I love you." I whispered.

I smiled as he placed his arms around my waist. He gently pressed his lips to mine for a brief second. "I love you more." He smirks.

"Impossible. I love you more." I smile.

"I love you more than the world." He whispers.

"Nope. I love you more than anything." I argue.

He laughs, "I really love you, though."

"I love you too." I snicker.

"Hm." He groans. I laugh, as he connects our lips one more time.

"Come on. I'm tired, I'm going to bed." I sigh, trying to wiggle free from his grip. However, his grip didn't loosen. He picked me up bridal style, and I let out a quiet yelp.

"Sh." Joey whispers, "You're gonna wake everyone."

"Sorry." I giggle. He kisses my forehead as I buried my face into his chest.

Once we got to our bed he laid me down on the bed. He quickly pulled off his shirt before lying down next to me. I snuggled into his body as his arms went around my waist, protectively. It wasn't long until I was asleep.


Joey and I both woke up late. It was almost noon when we crawled out of bed. Not that I didn't mind. You'd think because I'm in the FBI, that I'd be an active person and everything, but really, I like laying in bed with my husband all day. I just like laying around all day with my teddy bear. I'm active but also really lazy.

"Baby, you awake?" Joey asks, snapping me from my thoughts.

"Yeah." I mumbled.

"Hey, we should get up. The show's at five tonight." He suggests.

I groaned, "I don't wanna."

Joey laughs, "I'm sorry baby."

He kissed my forehead and got up. I groaned as he left the bed. I gave a slight pout before almost falling out of bed. "Ow." I whined as I hit the floor.

He laughed at me. "Are you okay?" He asks, holding out his hand for me to take.

"No." I mumbled, taking his hand. He smiled and pulled me up. He placed his arms arounf my waist and pulled me against him.

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