Chapter Four

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•Chapter Four {Finishing the Case}•

Ashley's POV~

Four days later we finished the profile, with only the death of one more couple, after the first three. Turns out my theory was correct. The Unsub was targeting the children, inflicting emotional pain on them.

"The Unsub is a male in his 30s. He probably met his victims at church or while volunteering." Hotch informs.

"He will not give himself up, he'll shoot his way out. He is not a coward, and proceed with caution. He is armed and dangerous." Emily warns.

"He's targeting families with an only child, about the same age, whom are single. Meaning he is most likely single also." Spencer says, figeting with his hands.

"He also targeting the stereotypical 'perfect' family. Good child, financially stable, suburban homes, good jobs, and religious. He depises these families. He grew up in a horrible manner." I inform.

Rossi added, "His parents were murdered also, around the same age of his victims, happened maybe a few years around this time."

"That's all. Thank you." Hotch said, excusing us. We had only been here for a four days, but we're so close. Garcia already had our profile, doing her thing, she was searching records.

We were going over public records. Overlooking our case files, looking at our notes, reveiwing our interrogations. Garcia called about 4pm.

"Hey, babygirl. Whatcha got?" Morgan greets.

"What do you have." I correct without thinking. Everyone stared at me. "Sorry, habit." I muttered.

"Micheal Dany." Garcia says. "He fits the profile perfectly. Now, my furry friends, go nail this guy."

"Thanks mama." Morgan smiles.

"You got it, baby." She cheers, then hangs up.

"You guys a thing or something?" I smile.

"No, you wish." Morgan teases.

"No. More like you wish." I tease back.

"Imma stop now. You basically live with four guys." He laughs.

"I'm going to." I correct, "I also hang out with a grammar freak."

"Let's suit up." Hotch demands, handing out FBI issued chest plates.

"Yes sir." We agreed. We put on the chest plates, and headed for Micheal's address.

It took about 15 minutes, but with Morgan's driving it took an average of 7.5 minutes. Once we got there, we had to wait for the others. They got here within minutes of us.

We decided to barge in, take him quietly. Morgan, Reid and I took the back door, while the others took the front. Morgan, the-door-kicker, kicked down the door. We sparsed around the house yelling clear.

Reid and I took the basement. We found Micheal, in the back room. Doing what we predicted, shooting his way out. He shot me once in the left arm, luckily it wasn't my dominant arm. Then I got a shot, and hit him in his dominant arm, disabling him. Reid and I made our way over to the Unsub, kicking away his firearm. Reid cuffed him, bringing him to his feet. Then we escorted him outside. I got a couple stitches, and a gauze to cover it.

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