Chapter Sixty-Three

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Joey groaned and rolled over, being woken up by his baby's cries. Just as he began sitting up, Ashley gently pushed him back down.

"I've got him, baby." She whispered, kissing Joey quickly.

He went to protest, but Ashley was already up and out of the room. He could've just laid back down, and go to sleep. Instead, he sighed and got up.

Joey trudged his way to his son's nursey. He stopped in the doorway and stood there quietly, enjoying the sight in front of him.

Ashley cradled her infant son in her arms, carefully feeding him and singing a soft lullaby. Joey smiled at this different side of Ashley.

To him, it brought out a different, loving side out of Ashley, which he couldn't help but think that it was attractive. Even at times when her hair was a mess and shoved into a bun, when her clothes were just sweatpants and an old tank top, he thought she was beautiful.

Once Arlo's small bottle was empty, Ashley carefully took care of him and laid him back down in his crib. She gave a small laugh as she looked at the nursery. Of course her husband would have wanted Ohio State, but she didn't mind.

"Babe, what are you laughing at?" Joey asked.

Ashley stopped laughing and turned to her husband standing in the doorway. She shrugged, "It's nothing."

He smiled and stepped into the room, "That's so not true, baby."

She copied his smile and walked over, placing her hands on his chest as his hands laid on her waist. "It's nothing, Joey."

"Come on. Ash, I know you." He protested.

She smiled, "Ash? Haven't heard that in awhile."

"Baby, please?" He begged.

"Just about you. Your Ohio State." She replied.

Joey laughed, "You love me for it. Just like I love you for your amazing, fighting ways."

Ashley smiled, "I do love for it. And I would never ask you to change."

"Wait until our 50th anniversary, you'll change your mind." He snickered.

She laughed and shook her head, "Hardly, Joseph."


Ashley and Joey sat their living room with their guests. Consisting of the remaining Stamper Family, the rest of Anthem Lights and the BAU team.

The people in the room talked and smiled and laughed, while Ashley cradled infant Arlo.

The young kids of the family ran played throughout the house, the Powell girls, Hotch's little boy, and JJ's two boys. They screamed and yelled, playing around.

Melissa Stamper smiled, "Man. It sucks that we live so far away."

Ashley nodded, "Kinda. But you're always welcome to visit."

Kenny laughed and slapped his younger brother's shoulder, "Trust me. With our first nephew, we will."

Jeannie spoke up, "I can't wait for the first Stamper Christmas with him."

"He's a new favorite among the BAU." Morgan joked.

"He's so quiet, it's nice." Ashley commented.

Joey grew a small smile as he placed a kiss on his wife's cheek. Everyone else smiled as well, the happiness filling the room. All looking at the new happy family. "You aren't leaving the BAU are you? You haven't been here for a year." Garcia asked.

Morgan laughed, "Yeah, mama. You better not leave us."

Ashley shook her head, "No. I'm not leaving. I'm determined to make this world a better place for him, to support my family."

Garcia grinned, "Good. I need my sexy mama."

Joey gave a smirked, "Nah. She's my sexy mama."

Ashley sighed, "I wish Caleb and Kelsey were here."

Alan, Chad and Joey nodded, missing the presence of their other brother in Christ. The Grimm's hadn't told them whether they had a niece or nephew, they had been waiting. Neither one of the two could have visitors.

"We do too, baby." Joey whispered.

David Rossi tried lightening the mood, "Hey! I think this calls for some wine."

"You got it, Dave?" Hotch asked, flashing a small smile.

Ashley laughed, "I can't have none. I just gave birth two days ago."

JJ smiled, "Just wait. You'll want the wine soon."

Emily nodded, "Come on. It's just one glass."

"I'm fine. Thank you." Ashley shook her head.

Donnie smiled, "May I hold my godson?"

Ashley nodded and gently handed Arlo over. She watched as everyone crowded around her brother-in-law. Joey took this opportunity to pull Ashley into his arms, pressing small kisses to her lips. She giggled before snuggling and relaxing in his arms.

"I love you more than anything, babe. You and this baby boy of ours." Joey whispered.

Ashley gave a smile of content, "I love you too."

"Hey, you two lovebirds. Wait a little while, eh?" Alan laughed, pulling Brycie into his side.

Kenny laughed, "I want another niece or nephew, but it's been two days."

Joey shook his head, "As if you two have any room to talk. Presley and Rowe are barely a year apart."

Brycie smiled, "Come on. We didn't mean for that happen."

Joey snickered, "Yeah. Right."

Rossi had left the room unnoticed, that was until had came back carrying multiple wine glasses and a wine bottle. Ashley laughed and shook her head. Donald had passed the sleeping baby back into Ashley's arms. Rossi passed the glasses around before popping open the bottle and pouring in small amounts into each.

It was full of laughs and smiles. Hopes and dreams and promises for the future. The house was full of happiness and the screams of children.

Ashley and Joey smiled at the small sleeping boy in her arms. They didn't know how their life was going to be, or how their little boy was going to grow up. But they were more than happy to along for the ride.


And this is the end guys. Later today I will release the next book. I did a little something different for the end, it was also my first time writing in 3rd person view.

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