Chapter Thirty-Five

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Joey's POV*

I grumbled as I rolled over and cuddled into Ashley. I buried my face into her shoulder as I laid my hand gently on her stomach.

I was guessing that she was still asleep since she hadn't moved. I gently kissed her skin and watched her squirm. I let out a small laugh.

I continued to lay there and admire her. Her tanned skin, and her long, dark hair. But the one thing thing I loved most about her appearance, would have to be her bright brown eyes.

I pressed small kisses against her neck, waiting her for wake up and notice. She rolled over and faced me. "Joey, babe, do you mind?" She mumbled.

I laughed, "Nope."

She groaned and buried her head into my chest. "Why?" She whined.

"Because I love you." I smiled.

"I love you too." She muttered.

She must've fell asleep, because after awhile she was quiet. I just let my mind drift, daydreaming. I wondered how life would be after our baby was born. Especially with the band, and Ashley's career. For the first time I could say that I was scared starting a family. I know that Hotch and JJ had families, I wondered how they did it.

After a few minutes, I decided that I didn't need to fear. Because I knew that God has this, He's going to help us.

Understand that you're just man, and trust me child, I have a plan. I am in control, and I won't let you go.

Those lyrics kept going through my head. I still remember God's presence when we recorded the song, and every time we sing it.

My thoughts were interrupted by Ashley continuously kissing my jaw. "Joey!" She whined.

"What Ashley?" I asked.

"I love you!" She grinned.

I laughed, "I love you too baby."

"I'm hungry." She pouted.

"Wow. You went from a loving mood to being hungry in 2.5 seconds. New record." I teased.

She playfully hit my chest with her fist. She sighed, "Shut up. I'm really hungry and I want fruit, and I just lay in bed all day but I want food."

I grinned, "The baby's getting to you."

"I just need food!" She groaned.

"Once we leave, we're stopping by IHop." I laugh again.

"Oo! Pancakes, and nutella sounds really good." She smirks.

"You're going crazy." I joke.

"Stop. It's not funny." She whines.

"Of course it is, darlin'." I smile, adapting a fake accent for a moment.

"Darlin'?" She asks, repeating me.

I nod, "Yep!"

She groaned again and I kissed her forehead. "I wanna cuddle." She pouts.

"I thought we were." I laugh. She scooted closer, even though there was no space in between us. She buried her face into my chest again as I wrapped my arm around her waist.

"There. That's better." She mumbled.

Alan popped his head into our room. "Hey, guys. Come on. Get ready." He states, "We're getting ready to leave."

"You said we're stopping by IHop right?" I ask.

"Yeah. Not wanting pancakes this morning Joe?" He laughs, raising an eyebrow.

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