Chapter Eight

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•Chapter Eight {Creating A Case}•

Ashley's POV~

"I was told you wanted to talk to me." The Sheriff huffed.

I smiled. Trying to polite, "Yes sir. I was possibly wondering if my team could assist in your case?"

"Why?" He growled.

"We're assissting a case in North Carolina. Exact MO. We believe it may be the same killer. We are not wanting to take over the case, just wanting to help." I explain.

"Why should I?" He asked angrily.

"Look. I've talked to my boss, and if you would like to also. I have no problem giving you his number, but I believe that this is the work of a beginning serial killer." I explain again, getting slightly annoyed with this guy.

"Yeah. That'd be great." He smirks.

I wrote down my number and Hotch's, "Here's my number, and my boss' number. I have to go check on my family, but please feel free to call me." I smile.

"Thank you." He said, with a softer expression. I smiled and nodded, before walking off. I sighed, thanking the Lord that he wasn't following me right now, and giving me patience.

I walked into the dressing room. The guys decided to stay and wait for me. "Hey Ash." Chad cheers.

"Hey." I sigh as I flop onto the couch.

"You okay?" Alan asks. Caleb gave Al a death stare.

"No. Not really. This is exactly what I was fearing." I say, obviously trying not to cry. Joey say down next to me, he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close to him.

"Baby, we're okay." Joey soothes.

"I knew I shouldn't have taken this position." I cry.

"Hey. We're not hurt. Now you just have to catch the person doing this." Chad soothes.

"But, you're possibly in danger. It could've been one of you. Or me." I sob. I just have to let it out, my only family possibly in danger.

"Hey. We have you, possibly the best guard there is." Caleb reassures.

Joey lifts my head up, and wipes away my tears. He kisses my head, "It's gonna be okay. All we can do is pray."

I got myself calmed, once I did, my phone went off. It was Hotch.

M- Hey, Hotch.

H- The sheriff called me. And I talked to the director.

M- What did he say?

H- If there is a third murder, the case becomes our jurisdiction.

M- Really?

H- So, for now. We are just assissting. I want you to stay with your family. It seems to be happening at their venues.

M- Yes sir. Anything else?

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