Chapter Sixty-Two

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Joey's POV~

The guys didn't come into our room until morning. My parents had gone back to Donnie's house late in the night to get rest.

Alan and his family, along with Chad and Fallon entered the room, plus Kane.

Ashley was still asleep, and I was holding my little boy again.

"Hey, Joe." Alan greeted.

I looked up and smiled, "Hey."

"How is she?" Fallon asked.

I laughed, "She's good, and exhausted. She spent 17 hours in labor."

Brycie smiled, "It's all worth it afterwards. Especially, when it happens with three."

"We might get there one day. Don't quote me on it." I snickered.

"How is he?" Chad asked.

"He's good. Quiet for the most part. How's Kelsey?" I questioned.

"We don't know. They won't let us visit her. She had to have an emergency C-Section late last night and she's recovering. Their kid is in the NICU, and they won't giving info." Alan sighed.

I shook my head, "I pray that they're okay."

"Us too. Caleb had to tell us." Fallon mumbled.

I smiled, "So, who wants to hold their nephew first?"

"Can I?" Kane asked.

I nodded and got up, carefully passing him the baby.

Alan grinned, "He kinda looks like you, Joe."

Brycie nodded, "I see it too."

I shrugged, "I see more Ashley, but his eyes are blue."

"Maybe they'll change." Chad muttered.

I gave a slight scoff, and rolled my eyes. Ashley sighed quietly, "Now what are you boys arguing about?"

"Nothing." I replied.

"I don't believe it." She laughed, "I know you two."

"He has Joey's eyes, and Chad said something about how they'll maybe change." Alan explained.

She nodded, "Hm. Nothing new."

"You okay, baby?" I asked.

"Yeah. Just tired." She answered.

"Then go back to sleep, babe." I suggested.

She shook her head, "No. I don't wanna,"

"How you feeling, Ash?" Chad asked.

"Tired. Very much." She replied.

I laced our fingers, and she laid back as Arlo was passed around.

About an hour later, I watched as Garcia poked her head into the room. She smiled brightly us. Morgan then looked at us from over her shoulder.

"You guys can come in." I smiled.

They slowly made their way into the room, the guys and their wives making room for them. Spencer followed, along with JJ, Emily and Hotch.

"Hey!" Garica grinned, holding a small stuffed bear.

Ashley smiled and sat up, "Hey, guys."

"How's the sexy mama feeling?" Garcia asked.

"Tired." She answered.

Garcia turned me, "What about you, papa?"

"I'm great." I nodded.


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