Chapter Fifty-Three

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Ashley's POV~

The day right after Joey and I got home from Ohio, the team had a case. Luckily, I couldn't fly so I was with Garcia in her office.

"Man," Garcia muttered, slamming her office door. "This one's all over the news."

"Is it bad?" I asked.

"Yeah. Seven bodies total." She sighed.

"Has the press given him a name?" I questioned.

"Don't think so, not yet. JJ has this." She reassured.

"I'm sure she does." I nodded.

Just as she went to say something, the silence was cut by her phone ringing. She sighed and pressed a button.

"Hello! You got two sexy mama's in the house! How can we assist?" She greeted.

"Well, hey there sexy mamas." Morgan laughed.

"Hey Morgan," I giggled.

"How's the little spitfire of a future agent?" He asked.

"He's good." I answered.

"Hey, sugar, what do you need?" Garcia asked.

"Right. Any connections between the new victim?"

"None. Other than going to same high school. That's all on paper." She answered.

"What social media accounts?" He asked.

"Sorry, honey, that's gonna take awhile. I'll call with more." She sighed.

"Thanks mama," he mumbled.

"Yep!" She said, tapping another button, hanging up on him. She shook her head and began to type away. "So," she spoke, "I know we're always together, but when is he due?"

"January 1st," I answered.

"Ugh." She groaned.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I can't find anything," she grumbled.

"What about their accounts from high school? You know, can't you make a program?" I suggested.

"You're a genius, Ashley Faith!" She exclaimed.

"Why thank you!" I smiled. She laughed and rolled her eyes.


Garcia and I were both tired that next morning. We had both stayed up all night working on the victims' social media accounts.

"Sweetheart, can you get that?" Garcia asked as someone knocked on her door.

"Yeah." I nodded. I pushed myself up from the office chair and waddled a few feet. As I opened the door, I was met with my husband, holding three coffees and a white bag. I smiled, "What's this?"

"Breakfast and coffee." He grinned.

I turned to Garcie, "Hey, yo, sexy mama."

"Hm? What darling?" She asked, not turning around.

"You hungry?" I asked.

"Yeah. Why?" She questioned.

"My wonderful husband brought breakfast and coffee for us," I stated.

She got up and faced us with a giant smile, "Oh! Thank the Gods!"

"Thanks babe," I smiled, kissing his cheek.

"Yeah. No problem. Look, babe, I gotta go. We have a band meeting." He sighs, handing us our food and coffee.

"Do you need me to walk you out?" I asked.

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