Chapter Six

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•Chapter Six {Assisting}•

Ashley's POV~

"I've sent the photos, doll!" Garcia pipes.

"Thanks Garcie." I smile, I lean over and grab my phone. As I was leaning over, Joey snuck a kiss on my cheek.

I opened my phone and downloaded the photos to look. The bathroom looked perfectly clean and everything was in order. Her purse was found under the sinks and the body laid in the middle of the room. "Everything looks clean. Too Clean." I noted.

"Yeah. Either the Unsub is a female, or the guy has some serious OCD." Emily says.

"Wait. A clean room means a female killer?" Joey asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, babe. Mostly female killers leave a clean crime scene, clean kills." I say.

"Oh." He says.

"Yeah. Female killers are usually cleaner than men. Normally. Like most of the time how if you walk into a house, a guy's is usually not as clean; not as clean as a woman." Spencer informs.

"Good example Spencer." I smile.

"Thanks Ash." He replies.

"Well, we already have our suspect list. Anyone who showed at the concert." I informed.

"Do the guys have alibis?" Emily asks.

"Yeah. We do. We have security with us at all times." Joey says.

"Whatcha talkin' bout?" Chad asks, as he walks in.

"Guh, Chad don't talk like that. You're going to make me angry and wake Caleb up." I cringe.

"Nah." He smirks.

"So we know that the guys have alibis. So that's good." Rossi repeats.

"When you have security on you; is it one person or do they do shifts?" Hotch asks.

"Sometimes they do shifts or different rooms. But we always had one person." Chad informs.

"I was gonna say that." Joey whines.

"Sorry bro. Beat ya." Chad teases, sticking his tongue out.

"Emily, here is my proof." I laugh, "My evidence."

"Your evidence?" Chad and Joey say together.

"I said it first!" Chad shouts.

"No! I did!" Joey argues.

"Boys! Trying to work here." I interfere.

"I see that." Emily laughs, so does Rossi, Garcia, JJ and Spencer.

"What's so funny?" Alan asks, rubbing his eye.

"The fact that I have evidence that you four can and will act like children at times." I say.

"These clowns do." Alan teases.

"Okay, if you four could act like mature adults for a couple of hours that'd be great." I smile, hinting a bit of sarcasm.

"Sorry." They mutter. Alan and Chad walk to the front, and Joey sat up and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Anyway, we should do background checks on all security guards. Just in case." I suggest.

"Yeah. Garcia, you on it?" Hotch asks.

"Are you on it." Caleb corrects sleepingly.

"Caleb, this is not the time to be correcting everyone's grammar." I say.

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