Chapter Thirty

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Ashley's POV*

Ashley?" Joey's voice rang through. Hotch pulled away. Joey just looked at me with tear-filled eyes.

"Joey, baby, this isn't what it looks like." I start.

"Really? Because it looks like I caught you cheating." He spat. A tear rolled down his cheek. I tried to break free from Hotch's grip.

Once I broke free, I walked over to Joey. I tried to take his hand, but he pulled back. "Baby, you know that I wouldn't cheat on you." I say, my voice craking.

"Really? So I didn't just see my wife making out with her boss?" He asks.

"Joey, please. You have to believe me." I beg.

"Why should I?" He asks.

"Because I love you. Joey, I can't live without you. You know that." I answer.

"I wish I could believe it." He spat. With that, Joey walked off. He just left me. I didn't know what to do. I was frozen, I couldn't move. I was heartbroken. I was upset, angry and sad. My love just walked away. I turned around and glared at Hotch before walking off.

I sighed as I left the venue. I just walked.

Somehow, I ended up at a park. I had no clue to where I was. I just sat on a bench, and basically cried.

***Joey's POV***

I sat at a long table with the guys, along with their wives and Alan's kids standing behind us. The team was spursed around the foyer of the building. I sighed as I watched Ashley leave the building. At this point, I couldn't care.

"Hi, I'm Joey. What's your name?" I gave a fake smile as a young girl approached me.

The little girl grinned, "Arielle."

"How do you spell that?" I asked, as she handed me a tshirt and a poster. The young girl spelt it out for me as I signed the things she handed me. Once I was finished, she moved on to the other guys.

"Bro, where'd Ashley go?" Chad asked as the girl moved.

I shrugged, "I don't know."

"What's up? You seem down." He states.

"I caught Ashley cheating." I sigh.

"What? That doesn't sound like her." Chad shakes his head in disbelief.

"Yeah, with her boss." I mumble.

"That's gotta suck, bro. Did you ask her about it?" He asks.

"What am I gonna ask her? Oh, hey are you cheating on me with your boss?" I replied sarcastically.

"Sorry." He mumbled.

"Hi, I'm Joey. You are?" I plastered another small, fake smile as a girl approached me. She told me her name, I signed her things, and she told me how much the band means to her. This whole process went on for a couple hours.

I wasn't really feeling it. My heart was broken, and I was angry. My wife, of almost four years, was caught cheating. The girl I've loved for over nine years.

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