Chapter Two

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•Chapter Two {Troubles}•

Ashley's POV~

A week passed, and the guys were leaving for tour. I got lucky and my boss let me come in a couple hours late, so I could see Joey before they left.

I stood at the bus, with the wives and Alan's girls.

"Bye baby. I love you." He smiled.

"I love you too." I said back. I was getting ready to kiss him, but my phone went off before. I answer, knowing it was Hotch. {M-Ashley; H-Hotchner}

M- Hello?

H- Come in as soon as you can.

M- Alright? Is everything okay?

H- We have a case in Dayton, Ohio.

M- Dayton, Ohio?

H- That's right.

M- Crap. I'll be there soon.

H- Alright.

And with that he hung up. I gave Joey a saddened look. I sighed, "It's in Dayton."

"What!?" He asks.

I sighed again, "Yeah. I'll call you when I get there. And I'll make sure that your parents are okay."

"Okay. Be safe. I love you." He smiled.

"I will. I love you too." I said, kissing him. I watch him get on the bus, and the bus pull out.

I sighed heavily, and started for my car.

"Good luck!" The girls called.

I turned around and waved, "Thanks."

I started for my car again, and head for the office. Making it there in minutes. Meeting the team, in the briefing room.

"Ashley, you're here!" Garcia cheered.

"Yeah. What do we know?"

"Couples in their fifties." She informed.

"Oh my. Lord. Are they indentfied?" I asked, almost pacing around the room.

"No. Not yet, we're working on it." Morgan said.

"Crap." I muttered.

"Everything okay?" Emily asked.

"I don't know. Joey's parents live in Dayton, and they're in their fifties." I shrugged.

"Will this affect the job?" Hotch asked, with his usual emotionless face.

"Uh, no. It shouldn't. I'm sorry." I said as I sat down, and payed attention to Garcia.

"They were shot, execution style." Garcia informed, pointing at the screen.

"No torture?" I questioned, quirking an eyebrow.

"Nope, nada, none." Garcia shook her head.

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