Chapter Forty-Seven

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~*~ A Week Later ~*~

Ashley's POV~

I met the guys at the office, with a bunch of bags, mainly food. The guys were in the middle of their livestream with Kane.

As I sat down, Joey got up and came over to me. He smiled and quickly kissed me, "There's my beautiful, 23-week pregnant wife."

"I know. Don't remind me." I whine.

"Stop. You look fine. I love you." He smiled.

"I love you too. Now go do your job." I replied. Joey nodded and sat back down with the other four guys.

They joked and laughed and answered questions. The normal with them.

"Ashley, everyone wants to see you." Spencer states.

"No. I look bad and I'm huge." I groaned.

"Babe, you don't look bad. And you're not huge." Joey sighs.

"You cannot deny that I'm huge. I sure feel like it." I mumbled, looking down at my bump.

"Baby, please." He sighs.

"Yeah. Come on, the fans wanna see you." Kane nods.

"Do I have to?" I whine.

"If not for us, then for the fans." Joey states, sticking out his bottom lip and giving me puppy eyes.

"Please." Chad begs.

"Fine. Y'all owe me." I sighed. I pushed myself up, and walked over. "Someone's gonna have to move. Pregnant lady coming through." I laugh.

Kane scooted over so I could next to Joey. I sat down and Joey placed his arm around my waist, kissing my cheek. "I owe you everything." He whispered.

"Guys, not on the livestream." Chad teases. Joey groaned and rolled his eyes playfully.

The guys went on with the livestream, laughing and answering questions. I placed my hand on my pregnant tummy as I felt the baby do another somersault.

"Is he moving?" Alan asked.

"Yeah. He likes somersaults a lot." I nod.

"Does he always move like that?" Caleb asked.

"Sometimes. Mainly when I go to bed or eat." I answer. "He's a handful already."

I watched as Caleb looked at the screen, reading the comments as they fly by. Chad and Alan were both on their phones; reading questions as well. Joey and Kane, well, were playfully arguing about something.

"Ashley, people are asking what your baby is and the name." Caleb stated.

"Guys, be quiet!" Chad scolded Joey and Kane. They both shut up, and payed attention.

"What's going on?" Joey asked.

"Ash was trying to tell the fans what your baby is and what you're naming it." Alan answered.

"Oh. Sorry." Joey mumbled, looking down. I smiled at him and patted his thigh.

"We're having a boy, and his name is Arlo Donald Joseph." I state.

"Okay, honestly, I think that is the most unique name ever. I've never heard of it." Kane said.

"I seen it on Facebook, and once I saw the meaning, I fell in love with it." I smile, looking down at my pregnant belly.

After a while, I got up and let the guys continue with the livestream. I just sat on Twitter for the remainder of the time. Looking through all the comments people had said about me.

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