Chapter Twenty-Four

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Ashley's POV*

I sighed and sat down, laying my head in my hands. I couldn't believe that I forgot that she said that.

"Ashley, do you need to take a break?" Morgan asks.

"No, no. I'm fine." I answer, looking up. "Let's just continue."

"I think we all need a break." Rossi mumbles.

"I don't know about you all, but I'm jet lagged." Emily laughs.

"I could use some sleep." JJ agrees.

"Then we can pick this up when Hotch gets here with the other info." Morgan informs.

"Sounds good." I nod. I leaned back on the sofa. We had a partial profile, so that was good.

"Aunt Ash?" Presley asks.

"Yeah pumpkin?" I respond, getting up.

"Are you okay?" She asks.

"Yeah. I'm okay." I gave a fake smile. She got onto the couch with me, and snuggled against me in my arms.

I guess she was tired because she fell asleep. I got up and walked to where everyone else was.

"Wow. She has you wrapped around her finger." Alan laughs.

"Yeah. Pretty much. She's great though." I smile.

"Have you ever thought about kids?" Brycie asks.

I laugh, "Joey and I were talking about it the other day. But I just don't want to bring a child into this mess. I'm already being threatened, a child doesn't need that."

"You're right. But what you're saying is, that one day I might have a niece or nephew?" She smiles.

"Hopefully." I sigh.

"When's Agent Hotchner getting here?" Alan asks, changing the subject.

"Within the next few hours. We're gonna pick up where we left off when we get more information." I answer.

Joey came up from behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He laid his head on my shoulder opposite from Presley.

"Hey, baby." Joey whispers, "I heard my name."

I laughed, "You heard correctly. We were talking about you." 

Brycie also laughed, "Calm down Joe. I was just asking if you guys had talked about having kids." He must've had a look on his face.

"We have." Joey smiles.

"Oh no. We do not need mini Joes." Chad jokes.

"They'd also be like me." I inform.

"Even worse." Chad laughs.

"Man, you're a bully." I tease.

"Thanks." He replies sarcastically.

"Aunt Ash?" Presley asks quietly.

"I'm right here pumpkin." I smile. She yawned and mumbled something, then laid her head back on my shoulder. She fell back asleep. I stood on the balls of my feet, gently rocking back and forth. Trying to keep Presley asleep.

"You're great baby." Joey whispers.

"Thanks." I reply, kissing his cheek. I sat down on the counter and all of us had a conversation. It was nice to have all of our family here. With them being here, I kind of forgot all of my problems. I most definitely missed them. It's crazy. They get on my nerves every once in awhile, but I love them.

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